4- Thai lemon cultivation


4- Thai lemon cultivation

Growing Thai lemon in your home garden or even indoors by pot is an aesthetic addition and tremendous nutritional benefits for hair, skin, digestion, and detoxification of the body

Thai lemon cultivation; It gives your garden and home an aesthetic look with its wonderful dark green color, and the fragrant aroma of the leaves of the Echinacea lemon tree. The leaves of the Thai lemon tree also add a wonderful flavor to your trip, as they can be added to curries and French fries, as well as soups to give them a new and distinctive flavor. The good news is that you will not need special requirements for growing Thai lemons, just a lot of sunlight and you will enjoy its fragrant aroma filling the house

Thai lemon cultivation history
The original home of the Thai lemon tree is Sri Lanka and the Mauritius region. Cultivation of this type of lemon spread in Southeast Asia, where the leaves were widely used in Thailand as a type of spice that is used to this day in Thai curry spices. In the late nineteenth century Kaffir lime trees made their way westward by a Scottish botanist. Where he brought this type of fruit to his homeland from Sri Lanka

Soil suitable for growing Echinacea lemon

We find that Thai lemon trees are prone to root rot, so it is preferable to plant them in well-drained clay soil. Where a mixture of sand, silt and clay can be used for easy drainage. We also find that Thai lemons tend to be acidic soils with a pH between 5 and 6. You can also add decomposed compost to the soil to improve drainage and provide essential nutrients to the tree

The right temperature for a lemon tree

They are also semi-tropical trees, so they prefer high temperatures that mimic their native habitat. The tree should be grown at a temperature of at least 16 ° C. It is worth noting that this tree is sensitive to cold and does not tolerate frost, so if the temperature in the area where you live drops at night in winter, it is preferable to move the plant indoors to avoid frost. When temperatures rise in the spring you can take it out but gradually to avoid shock to the plant

The lighting needed to grow Thai lemons

Kaffir lime is a subtropical tree that prefers full sun; Therefore, for optimal growth, you should be exposed to 10 to 12 hours of sunlight per day in full sun. On the other hand, we find that this tree can grow in fewer hours of exposure to the sun, as it can suffice with 8 hours a day.

Increase the Thai lemon with the mind

Thai lemon cultivation
Thai lemon cultivation

This method of how to grow Thai lemon is easy and quick, unlike planting from seeds. Where you can enjoy the fruits and leaves of the Thai lemon tree after planting it from the cuttings for about 3 years

Tools needed to grow Thai lemon with cuttings
You will need the following

Clean and sterile scissors
Rooting hormone, or apple cider vinegar as a substitute
A container containing a quantity of water
A medium-sized pot contains the right amount of soil, and ventilation holes

Tips for choosing a Thai lemon slice

It is preferable to take the cutting from a fruiting tree with rich and fragrant leaves
The branch to be planted must be free of fruits, buds or flowers

Steps to grow Thai lemon with the mind

Here are the 10 most important steps that you can take to multiply it with your mind

Cut a piece of stem about 7 cm from the nearest leaf knot
Remove the leaves from the lower two-thirds of the stem
Place the branch in a container of water to encourage root formation before planting it in the soil
It is preferable to place the pot in a place where it receives indirect sunlight

Change the water in the rooting pot regularly
It is also preferable to spray the plant with water to provide adequate moisture for growth
Once the roots are healthy, the stems should be moved to the soil to continue the growth phase
Dig a hole appropriate to the size of the rootstock in the cutting to be planted
Place the cutting in the hole and lightly cover it with soil
Water the cutting well with water to ensure that the roots are firmly rooted in the soil

Some growers use rooting hormone to speed up the rooting process, and others use apple cider vinegar instead. Use what is available to you

Kaffir lime tree planting site
You can grow Thai lemon trees as follows

Growing Thai lemon in the garden

When planting kefir lemon trees in the ground, be sure to provide enough space for the tree to grow without competition from other trees. Where it is preferable that the distance available for the tree ranges from 1.8 meters to 3 meters from the neighboring trees, regardless of the size of the tree at the time of planting

Growing echinacea lemon in pots indoors
You can grow a Thai lemon tree in a suitable pot. Planting in a pot gives you the opportunity to move the tree indoors when temperatures are below average. In the case of planting in the pot, it is preferable to start with a medium-sized pot and gradually increase the size of the pot with the increase in the size of the tree. While don’t use a large pot too large so that the roots of the tree do not have difficulty accessing water

How to water a Thai lemon tree
Thai lemon is one of the citrus fruits that are known for their high water needs. They also like a humid environment, so you may need to spray the leaves of the tree to achieve the required humidity, if the climate is dry in the area where you live

While you find that the cultivation of Thai lemons are exposed to root rot if the watering exceeds the required limit. To avoid this, you can wait for the soil under the tree to dry out. This problem often occurs when growing in containers. The appropriate rate of irrigation in the hot summer months is twice a week, while it is sufficient once a week during the rest of the year

Thai lemon fertilization

Citrus trees such as Thai lemon need a high percentage of nitrogen, so you can fertilize with NPK fertilizer at a ratio of 3- 1- 1 or 2- 1- 1. Fertilizers that contain iron, zinc and manganese can also be used. As these elements are very beneficial for citrus trees. In addition to manganese, copper and boron, they are very useful elements for growing Thai lemons, you must provide

Fertilize once a month in the first year of the tree’s life to encourage healthy root growth. After that you can fertilize once every 6 to 8 weeks. Fertilize in the spring and summer when the lemon tree is at the peak of its growing season. While it is preferable to reduce the fertilization in late summer to help the tree receive winter. It is also not allowed to fertilize at all during the fall and winter seasons

?Can Thai lemon be grown from seed
Yes, but it takes about ten years to produce fruits

?Is it normal for Echinacea lemon tree leaves to fall off
It is not normal for tree leaves to fall off, make sure the plant gets good water and light

Thai lemon cultivation
Thai lemon cultivation

Growing Thai lemon will not require much effort, as long as you follow the planting and care instructions. Where you can easily enjoy the aromatic leaves and ripe fruits and then benefit from the many nutritional benefits provided by the leaves and fruits of this wonderful tree

Thai lemon cultivation review
The cultivation of Thai lemons is one of the trees that are characterized by an aesthetic appearance, a fragrant smell, and great health benefits, and do not need special requirements for their cultivation