5- Road safety rules for children
5- Road safety rules for children
Road safety tips for kids
Always make sure to walk on the sidewalk or path if it is available on the road, and never turn away from the road
Do not walk as far from the sidewalk as possible
It is possible to walk through a single coil on the right-hand side of the road facing traffic if there is no sidewalk
When looking to cross a busy road with many lanes of traffic, always walk to the nearest crossing at road signs or a green traffic light if possible
Never cross the road with a mobile phone or while listening to music on headphones
Stay alert at all times, ban cyclists and motorcyclists because they have speed in addition to drivers
While walking to and from school or hanging out with friends, make sure an adult or parent tells where you are going and who you will be with
For young children Children should always be encouraged to hold the hand of a responsible adult when walking or crossing busy roads

Traffic safety for children
From the rules of traffic safety for children, fasten the seat belt and make sure that the child always wears the seat belt, or is attached to the car seat
Use the child lock method to prevent children from opening the car doors themselves
Teach them the rules in practice by taking them for walks and cycling and teaching them how to do it right
Be patient in driving, so be a role model for your children to be calm and not rush on the road
Train them to make eye contact with pedestrians crossing in front of the vehicle at an intersection or crosswalk – it reflects that this lets the driver and pedestrians know that a pedestrian has been noticed
Being precise and disciplined to avoid driving too fast and rushing
Do not use cell phones or other gadgets while driving
Do not leave your children alone in the car
Traffic safety tips for kids
Signal recognition
Help the child to identify the traffic lights and signs and what each color indicates. Green means “go.” Only when the traffic light turns to “green,” the vehicles move forward, and the red color means “stop.” When the signal turns red, you must stop all Vehicles, yellow means slow down. When the signal turns yellow
vehicles must slow down and prepare to stop. The “walk” symbol or the symbol for a man walking at intersections is for pedestrians, cross the road only if these signs turn green, look to the left and right to make sure From no vehicles approaching, never cross the street if the sign says “Don’t walk” or if the walking man’s symbol turns red
Street crossing tips
The child may have to walk to school or the bus station and back on foot, they may only have to cross the street after they get off the school bus, even if they don’t, they may have to cross the street to get to a friend’s house or a neighbor’s house, whatever it is The situation must teach children to cross the road safely, here is how you can help them learn, always look for signs and use a pedestrian crossing to cross the road, in the absence of such signs, here is what you should do
Look to the right, then to the left, and then to the right to see if there are any vehicles approaching
If yes, wait for the car to pass and then cross the road
Never cross corners
Never cross between parked vehicles
Tell the child to watch and listen
Teach children that they may not always be able to see an oncoming vehicle, especially if they are standing near a bend, so they should listen to see if the car is nearby. to indicate its approaching. tell the kids
If they hear the car whistle, stand up and look left and right to see if any vehicles are approaching
Listening for engine sounds nearby to see if there is a moving vehicle, explaining how a loud noise indicates that the vehicle is close, a low sound means it is far away, and the sound of tires means the vehicle is approaching
There is no way to run on the roads
Children may not be constantly impatient and may prefer to run in the street to get to the other side, and they can also run along the road in the street while playing, so tell children never to run in or along the road, children can be easily distracted and leave the hand of their parent to run or run away
Explanation of a crossroads and a pedestrian crossing
Children prefer only to run across the street, anywhere separating it, this can be dangerous because passing vehicles do not slow down unless there is a signal or a junction, children should be told to cross only at the intersection and use the pedestrian crossing, if they are in a small neighborhood there is no There is a crossroads or a crossing with signs
He never puts his hand outside the car
Children stick their hands out of the school bus as it moves, some may even stick their heads out to look back and wave at others. This is common with students on the school bus. It may seem like a prevalent idea but getting hands out or getting out of a moving vehicle can be very dangerous. If children are not careful, they may be run into by vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, or by objects close to the road, such as signs and trees

Do not cross the road in turns
Curves are motorists’ blind spots. When crossing a curve, they don’t give motorists enough time to detect you and stop the car, so tell the child never to cross a curve as this may increase his chances of getting hurt
How to protect a child from road accidents
Young children are particularly at risk in driveways and yards. Toddlers and preschoolers may not understand that cars are dangerous. They can also move calmly and quickly. They are deeply absorbed in everything they do, including chasing a ball behind the car, often not even stopping. If you are looking for them, here are some traffic safety tips
Before moving the car is to make sure that there are no children behind, in front of or around the car, do not rely only on the car’s cameras and sensors, but always perform a visual inspection around the car, do not leave young children alone to play near stopped or moving vehicles in the driveways
Separate the child’s play areas from the driveways and for example, put a fence around the driveway or garage so that your child cannot run towards it
Get in the habit of waving goodbye to people from inside your home or some other safe place like your front porch
Always hold your child’s hand near cars, even if you’re near the driveway or walking to the mailbox
Explain why it is important for a child to hold hands