6- Benefits of rosemary for memory


6- Benefits of rosemary for memory

Possibly Effective Memory Improvement

A study published in Complementary therapies in clinical practice in 2018 indicated that consuming rosemary orally twice a day for a month has a role in improving memory by Remember past events, remember planned future events, reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, and improve sleep quality and ability

There is insufficient evidence of its effectiveness (Insufficient Evidence) Thinking skills and memory decline with age naturally, and some studies have indicated that taking rosemary leaf powder may improve the speed of memory in healthy elderly, but in return the results also indicated that taking doses of Large amounts of this powder led to a negative memory decline, and other research has shown that taking a product containing rosemary and a mixture of other plants by healthy people aged 62 years and under improves their memory, but this effect did not occur in persons aged 63 years and over

Benefits of rosemary oil for memory It is believed that rosemary essential oil may provide many benefits, including improving the ability to remember pictures and numbers,[3] but more studies and evidence are still needed to confirm this

General benefits of rosemary Rosemary is rich in compounds that have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, which also have a role in strengthening the immune system and improving blood circulation, among the most important of these compounds: Polyphenols, such as; Rosmarinic acid, and an acid called Carnosic acid, rosemary can be used as a natural preservative to preserve perishable food and increase its shelf life

and it also contains some compounds that may have antimicrobial properties, which can It contributes to the fight against infection, as it contains small amounts of minerals and vitamins, such as; Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, and Manganese

rosemary for memory
rosemary for memory

An overview of rosemary The rosemary plant (scientific name: Rosmarinus officinalis – L), or what is also called milk pebbles, belongs to the family Lamiaceae (scientific name: Lamiaceae) to which many other plants belong, such as; The common marjoram, thyme, basil, and lavender, rosemary is known as an aromatic evergreen plant that is native to the Mediterranean region and the small petals of this plant, its leaves, and flowers can be eaten fresh or dried tea can be prepared as a drink, as of its leaves