8- Difference Between DO And MAKE
8- Difference Between DO And MAKE
Basic Difference Between DO And MAKE
Use DO for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks
Use MAKE for creating or producing something, and for actions you choose to do
DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. For example, if you “make breakfast,” the result is an omelet! If you “make a suggestion,” you have created a recommendation
Common English Collocations With DO
do the housework
After I got home from the office, I was too tired to do the housework
do the laundry
I really need to do the laundry – I don’t have any clean clothes left
do the dishes
I’ll make dinner if you do the dishes afterwards
(you can also say “wash the dishes”)
do the shopping
I went to the bank, did some shopping, and mailed a package at the post office
EXCEPTION: make the bed = putting blankets, sheets, and pillows in the correct place so that the bed looks nice and not messy
do work
I can’t go out this weekend – I have to do some work on an extra project
do homework
You can’t watch any TV until you’ve done your homework
do business
We do business with clients in fifteen countries
do a good/great/terrible job
She did a good job organizing the party
(in this expression, “job” doesn’t necessarily refer to work. It simply means the person did something well)
do a report
I’m doing a report on the history of American foreign policy
(you can also say “writing a report”)
do a course
We’re doing a course at the local university
(you can also say “taking a course”)
do exercise
I do at least half an hour of exercise every day
do your hair (= style your hair)
I’ll be ready to go in 15 minutes – I just need to do my hair
do your nails (= paint your nails)
Can you open this envelope for me? I just did my nails and they’re still wet
do anything / something / everything / nothing
?Are you doing anything special for your birthday
You can’t do everything by yourself – let me help you
do well
I think I did pretty well in the interview
do badly
Everyone did badly on the test – the highest grade was 68
do good
The non-profit organization has done a lot of good in the community
do the right thing
When I found someone’s wallet on the sidewalk, I turned it in to the police because I wanted to do the right thing
do your best

Don’t worry about getting everything perfect – just do your best
Common English Collocations With MAKE
make breakfast/lunch/dinner
I’m making dinner – it’ll be ready in about ten minutes
make a sandwich
?Could you make me a turkey sandwich
make a salad
I made a salad for the family picnic
make a cup of tea
?Would you like me to make you a cup of tea
make a reservation
I’ve made a reservation for 7:30 at our favorite restaurant
make money
I enjoy my job, but I don’t make very much money
make a profit
The new company made a profit within its first year
make a fortune
He made a fortune after his book hit #1 on the bestseller list
make $_______
I made $250 selling my old CDs on the internet
make friends
It’s hard to make friends when you move to a big city
make love (= have sex)
The newlyweds made love on the beach during their honeymoon
make a pass at (= flirt with someone)
My best friend’s brother made a pass at me – he asked if I was single and tried to get my phone number
make fun of someone (= tease / mock someone)
The other kids made fun of Jimmy when he got glasses, calling him “four eyes
make up (= resolve a problem in a relationship)
Karen and Jennifer made up after the big fight they had last week
make a phone call
Please excuse me – I need to make a phone call
make a joke
He made a joke, but it wasn’t very funny and no one laughed
make a point
Dana made some good points during the meeting; I think we should consider her ideas
make a bet
I made a bet with Peter to see who could do more push-ups
make a complaint
We made a complaint with our internet provider about their terrible service, but we still haven’t heard
back from them
make a confession
I need to make a confession: I was the one who ate the last piece of cake
make a speech
The company president made a speech about ethics in the workplace
make a suggestion
Can I make a suggestion? I think you should cut your hair shorter – it’d look great on you
make a prediction
It’s difficult to make any predictions about the future of the economy
make an excuse
When I asked him if he’d finished the work, he started making excuses about how he was too busy
make a promise
I made a promise to help her whenever she needs it
(you can also say, “I promised to help her whenever she needs it.”)
make a fuss (= demonstrate annoyance)
Stop making a fuss – he’s only late a couple minutes. I’m sure he’ll be here soon
make an observation
I’d like to make an observation about our business plan – it’s not set in stone, so we can be flexible
make a comment
The teacher made a few critical comments on my essay.
EXCEPTION: Don’t say “make a question.” The correct phrase is “ask a question
make plans
We’re making plans to travel to Australia next year
make a decision/choice
I’ve made my decision – I’m going to go to New York University, not Boston University
make a mistake
You made a few mistakes in your calculations – the correct total is $5430, not $4530
make progress
My students are making good progress. Their spoken English is improving a lot
make an attempt / effort (= try)
I’m making an effort to stop smoking this year
make up your mind (= decide)
Should I buy a desktop or a laptop computer? I can’t make up my mind
make a discovery
Scientists have made an important discovery in the area of genetics
make a list
I’m making a list of everything we need for the wedding: invitations, decorations, a cake, a band, the dress…
make sure (= confirm)
?Can you make sure we have enough copies of the report for everybody at the meeting
make a difference
Getting eight hours of sleep makes a big difference in my day. I have more energy
make an exception
Normally the teacher doesn’t accept late homework, but she made an exception for me because my backpack was stolen with my homework inside it
? When do you use DO
DO is used as follows
1. DO is used when talking about work, jobs or tasks. Note, they do not produce any physical object
?Have you done your homework
I have guests visiting tonight so I should start doing the housework now
I wouldn’t like to do that job
.DO is used when we refer to activities in general without being specific. In these cases, we normally use words like thing, something, nothing, anything, everything etc
Hurry up! I’ve got things to do
Don’t just stand there – do something
Is there anything I can do to help you
3. We sometimes use DO to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious. This is more common in informal spoken English
Do I need to do my hair? (do = brush or comb)
Have you done the dishes yet? (done = washed)
I’ll do the kitchen if you do the lawns (do = clean, do = mow)
Remember Do can also be as an auxiliary verb (for making questions in the present tense – Do you like chocolate?) For more about Do used in this case, see our page about Do vs Does. Here we will be talking about Do as a normal verb
When do you use MAKE
Make is for producing, constructing, creating or building something new
It is also used to indicate the origin of a product or the materials that are used to make something
His wedding ring is made of gold
The house was made of adobe
Wine is made from grapes
The watches were made in Switzerland
We also use Make for producing an action or reaction
Onions make your eyes water
You make me happy
It’s not my fault. My brother made me do it
You make before certain nouns about plans and decisions
He has made arrangements to finish work early
They’re making plans for the weekend
You need to make a decision right now
We use Make with nouns about speaking and certain sounds
She made a nice comment about my dress
The baby is asleep so don’t make any noise
?Can I use your phone to make a call
Don’t make a promise that you cannot keep
We use Make with Food, Drink and Meals
I made a cake for her birthday
She made a cup of tea
I must go now. I have to make dinner
Compare Do and Make
A: You have to make a cake for Simon
B: I’ll do it later
Notice how in the response the verb DO is used. This is because the meaning is clear and to avoid saying “I’ll make it later.” which could sound repetitive

Common Expressions with Do and Make
The following expressions are set collocations (combinations of words that frequently appear together) that you need to learn
Expressions with DO
The following words are normally used with Do
a burp
a course
a crossword
a dance
a drawing
a fart
a favor / favour
a job
a painting
a project
a service
an assignment
right (the right thing)
the dishes
the gardening
the housework
the ironing
the laundry
the rest
the shopping
the washing
wrong (the wrong thing)
your best
your hair
your homework
your job
your nails
your work
Expressions with MAKE
The following words are normally used with MAKE
a bet
a cake
a call
a change
a choice
a comment
a complaint
a confession
a connection
a cup of coffee / tea
a date
a decision
a demand
a difference
a discovery
a face
a fool of yourself
a fortune
a friend
a fuss
a joke
a line
a list
a living
a loss
a mess
a mistake
a noise
a pass at someone
a phone call
a plan
a point
a prediction
a profit
a promise
a reservation
a sandwich
a scene
a sound
a speech
a statement
a suggestion
an appointment
an announcement
an attempt
an effort
an error
an escape
an exception
an excuse
an impression
an observation
an offer
fun of someone
someone rich
someone smile
your bed
your mind up
your way
الفرق بين MAKE و DO باللغة الإنجليزية
سنتحدث اليوم عن اثنين من أهم الأفعال المستخدمة باللغة الإنجليزية؛ Do، وMake. قد يخلط البعض بين استخدامات كل من الفعلين بسبب تقارب معنيهما في العديد من الحالات. لكن لا تقلق، سنساعدك من خلال هذا الدرس السريع على التعرّف على استخدام كلٍ منهما بالوقت والمكان المناسب. تابع معنا!
الفروقات الأساسية بين Do و Make
استخدم Do مع الأفعال، الالتزامات، والمهام المتكررة، واستخدم Make لإنتاج أو إنشاء شيء ما، وللأفعال التي تختار القيام بها.
يشير عادةً Do إلى الفعل بنفسه، بينما يشير Make عادةً إلى النتيجة. على سبيل المثال: إذا كنت تحضّر فطوراً – make breakfast وتكون النتيجة هي بيض مقلي مثلاً.
بعض التركيبات شائعة الاستخدام مع Do
Do the housework – القيام بأعمال المنزل
After I got home from the office, I was too tired to do the housework – بعد أن عدت من المكتب إلى المنزل، كنت متعباً جداً للقيام بأعمال المنزل.
Do the laundry – تنظيف الملابس
I really need to do the laundry – I don’t have any clean clothes left! – يجب عليّ فعلاً أن أنظف الملابس، لم يتبقَ لديّ أي ثياب نظيفة.
Do the dishes – تنظيف الصحون
I’ll make dinner if you do the dishes afterwards – سأحضّر العشاء إذا نظّفت الصحون بعد ذلك.
Do homework – القيام بحل الواجبات الدراسية
You can’t watch any TV until you’ve done your homework – لا يمكنك مشاهدة التلفاز حتى تنهي واجباتك الدراسية.
Do business – القيام بأعمال تجارية
We do business with clients in fifteen countries – نقوم بأعمالٍ تجارية مع عملاء في خمسين دولة.
Do a good/great/terrible job – القيام بعملٍ جيد/رائع/سيء
She did a good job organizing the party – قامت بعملٍ رائع في تنظيم الحفل.
يجب أن ننوّه إلى أنّ “job” لا تشير إلى العمل بالضرورة، بل تعني ببساطة أنّ شخصاً ما قد قام بشيءٍ بطريقةٍ جيدة.
Do exercise – ممارسة التمارين الرياضية
I do at least half an hour of exercise every day – أقوم بممارسة الرياضة لمدة نصف ساعة يومياً على الأقل.
Do your best – ابذل قصارى جهدك
Don’t worry about getting everything perfect – just do your best – لا تقلق من القيام بكل شيءٍ على أكمل الوجه، ما عليك إلا أن تبذل قصارى جهدك.
بعض التركيبات شائعة الاستخدام مع Make
make breakfast/lunch/dinner – تحضير الفطور/الغداء/العشاء
I’m making dinner – it’ll be ready in about ten minutes – إنني أحضر العشاء، سيكون جاهزاً خلال 10 دقائق.
make a sandwich – تحضير شطيرة (سندويشة)
Could you make me a sandwich? – هل يمكنك تحضير سندويشة لي.
make a cup of tea – تحضير كوب من الشاي.
Would you like me to make you a cup of tea? – هل ترغب بأنّ أحضر لك كوباً من الشاي.
make a reservation – حجز موعد
I’ve made a reservation for 7:30 at our favorite restaurant – حجزت في مطعمنا المفضل في الساعة 7:30.
make money – كسب المال
I enjoy my job, but I don’t make very much money. – استمتع بعملي، لكني لا أكسب الكثير من المال.
make a profit – تحقيق الربح
The new company made a profit within its first year. – حققت الشركة الجديدة أرباحاً من السنة الأولى لها.
make a fortune – اكتساب ثروة مالية
He made a fortune after his book hit #1 on the bestseller list. – اكتسب ثروة بعد أن تربّع كتابه في صدارة قائمة أفضل الكتب.
make friends – تكوين صداقات
It’s hard to make friends when you move to a big city. – يصعب تكوين صداقات عندما تنتقل إلى مدينة كبيرة.
make fun of someone – السخرية من أحدهم
The other kids made fun of Jimmy when he got glasses, calling him “four eyes.” – سخر الأطفال الآخرون من جيمي عندما ارتدى نظاراته، ونادوه “أربع عيون”.
make a phone call – عمل اتصال هاتفي
Please excuse me – I need to make a phone call. – رجاءً اعذرني، يجب أن أقوم بمكالمة هاتفية.
make a joke – قول نكتة
He made a joke, but it wasn’t very funny and no one laughed. – قال نكتة لكنّها لم تكن مضحكة كثيراً ولم يضحك أحد
make a complaint – تقديم شكوى
We made a complaint with our internet provider about their terrible service – اشتكينا لمزود خدمة الإنترنت الخاص بنا على سوء الخدمة.
make a confession – اعتراف
I need to make a confession: I was the one who ate the last piece of cake – أريد أن أعترف: أنا الذي أكلت آخر قطعة من الكعكة.
make a speech – إلقاء خطاب
The company president made a speech about ethics in the workplace – ألقى رئيس الشركة خطاباً حول أخلاقيات العمل.
make a suggestion – اقتراح
Can I make a suggestion? I think you should cut your hair shorter – هل يمكنني أن أقترح؟ أعتقد أنّك يجب أن تقص شعرك بطولٍ أقصر.
make an excuse – تقديم عذر
When I asked him if he’d finished the work, he started making excuses about how he was too busy- عندما سألته إذا أنها العمل، بدأ بتقديم الأعذار بأنّه كان مشغولاً كثيراً.
make plans – تخطيط
We’re making plans to travel to Australia next year – نخطط للسفر في العام القادم إلى استراليا.
make a decision/choice – يقرّر/ يختار
I’ve made my decision – I’m going to go to New York University – أخذت قراري، سأذهب إلى جامعة نيويورك.
make a mistake – اقتراف خطأ
You made a few mistakes in your calculations – the correct total is $5430, not $4530 – اقترفت بعض الأخطاء في حساباتك، المجموع الصحيح هو 5430$ وليس 4530$.
make progress – احراز تقدم
My students are making good progress. Their spoken English is improving a lot – يحرز طلابي تقدماً ملحوظاً. تتحسّن قدرتهم على التحدّث باللغة الإنجليزية كثيراً.
make a list – كتابة قائمة
I’m making a list of everything we need for the wedding: invitations, decorations, a cake, a band… – أحضّر قائمةً بكل شيءٍ نحتاجه لحفلة الزفاف: الدعوات، الزينة، الكعكة، الفرقة…
make sure – التأكد من شيء ما
Can you make sure we have enough copies of the report for everybody at the meeting? – هل تستطيع التأكد من أننا نملك ما يكفي من نسخٍ للتقارير للجميع في اجتماع اليوم؟
make a difference – صُنع فارق
Getting eight hours of sleep makes a big difference in my day. I have more energy! – لقد صنع حصولي على ثماني ساعات من النوم فرقاً كبيراً في أيامي.