2- Hair transplantation for women with all the details
2- Hair transplantation for women with all the details
We realize that women who suffer from hair loss require a different approach than men when considering hair and eyebrow restoration. Compared to men, hair loss appears in women in different patterns and is generally more prevalent and can also occur at any age. As for men, there is a strong genetic pattern, while women have other basic conditions that mainly affect hair thinning and weak hair
Hair loss in women is a devastating disorder that can be treated medically or surgically. For women, careful medical evaluation of the disease is essential in the treatment of hair disorders with a medical professional trained in hair. Women usually notice hair loss during menopause with a decrease in hair density usually in the middle of the scalp that thins laterally. The hair often reduces in size due to the long resting phase. Also, hair loss rarely occurs in the frontal hairline in women
The great news for women is that female pattern hair loss can be successfully treated medically or surgically. This fact is confirmed by recent research conducted by the International Society of Hair Transplantation. In their recent studies they estimate that more women have been treated for hair loss than in the past decade. In 2004, the percentage of hair transplant patients was about 11% of women, and this percentage rose in 2008 to reach 15%
Make the correct diagnosis
.Each patient evaluated in the doctor’s office undergoes a routine hormonal and natural assessment for hair loss. The process of evaluating and evaluating hair loss in women is completely different from that of men. The doctor takes your hair loss seriously by performing a specific medical evaluation for the disease. Comparing the medical and physical history is the first step in evaluating women with hair loss and this is done in your initial consultation with a specialist
Diffuse hair loss in women is caused by a variety of conditions other than hereditary alopecia. Disease-specific action is important because it determines whether hair loss is treated by medical, surgical, or a combination of treatment options. The final decision to perform a hair transplant generally depends on whether your hair loss has stopped and that hair loss is mainly at the hairline and baldness is concentrated in one or two areas

?When should I consider hair transplantation
In male pattern baldness, the sides and back of the head are still covered with hair. Men with this type of pattern baldness usually have a successful hair transplant. Hair is taken from the donor area, which is usually at the back of the scalp. It is alive during the procedure and continues to grow on the area that was transplanted on the scalp
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is responsible for the pattern of baldness on the top of men’s heads. However, it does not have any negative effect on the hair follicles on the sides and back of the head. Usually these areas of the head have healthy hair follicles and the hair in these areas is excellent for use in the process of hair transplantation. It is noteworthy that these stable sites hair follicles in these areas are not contracted or affected by the hormone DHT
On the other hand, women usually do not have these fixed locations where hair follicles resistant to baldness can be found. Unlike men, women are more likely to go bald not only on their head but also on the sides in the back and front of the head. As all areas of a woman’s head are affected by Dihydrotestosterone
This makes women not good candidates for hair transplantation. Since hair follicles are affected mainly in all areas of a woman’s head by the hormone DHT, any attempt to transfer it to the balding areas of the head is futile because the transplanted hair will simply fall out. Since the hair follicle is already damaged by the hormone DHT in the first place, transplanting it into the balding area on the head will not solve the problem of baldness
Note also that unlike men, women do not usually have to deal with a receding frontal hairline. Instead, baldness in women occurs in a more widespread manner with uniform thinning of hair all over the head. In the case of female pattern baldness, the problem lies in the amount of hair remaining on the head rather than where the baldness occurred
However, a small percentage of women around 5% suffer from baldness problems that could benefit from a hair transplant. These women have donor areas on their heads that contain healthy hair follicles that can be used for an operation
?Who is a good candidate for head hair or eyebrow transplantation
Some women who have thinning hair on the scalp and almost all women who have thin eyebrows
Women who have lost some but not all hair as a result of burns or other injuries to the scalp
Women who want to restructure their hair line again
Women who have experienced hair loss due to pulling back and constant pulling and not hormonal reason
Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness similar to male pattern baldness such as receding frontal hairline and hair thinning on the top of the head either on the crown or top of the scalp and the donor area is not affected by androgenetic alopecia
Women who suffer from traumatic hair loss including burn victims, scarring from accidents and chemical burns
Women who have had plastic surgery or a previous plastic surgery and are afraid of hair loss around the incision sites
Women diagnosed and found to have traction alopecia or marginal alopecia
Women who want to thicken or restore eyebrow hair
Women who suffer from hair loss after a face-lift or any other cosmetic operations
?Who is not a candidate for a hair transplant
Women who have a diffuse or widespread pattern of hair loss
Those who do not have sufficient donor sites which are the hair-bearing parts of the head from which the hair-bearing skin is taken
Women who develop keloid scars or thick fibrous skin tissue that can result from trauma, burns, or radiation injuries
Hair loss occurs in three main types
localized hair loss
Localized hair loss is a frightening finding when diagnosed. Alopecia areata is a genetic condition and is the most common aetiology of hair loss. Localized hair loss is observed in lupus, lichen planus, or localized radiation. Baldness from injuries, wounds or from localized medical problems that have been treated is usually amenable to hair transplantation
hair loss pattern
Some women have a hair loss pattern similar to men. Women with male pattern hair loss usually experience a thinning of the frontal hairline and on the top of the scalp while the sides of the scalp remain relatively low. Women with this pattern of hair loss are excellent candidates for hair transplantation

diffuse hair loss
Diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp is the most common form of female hair loss. Diffuse hair thinning involves a decrease in the diameter and thickness of the hair shaft. The medical term for this type of thinning is diffuse indeterminate alopecia. These women have thinning hair in the donor area, so women who have this type of hair loss are generally not good candidates for hair transplantation
In order to treat hair loss in women we need to examine the causes. We have three main treatment methods
a) medical treatment
b) hair transplant
c) Combination of medical and surgical treatment
The best way to diagnose the type of hair loss in women is through a personal consultation with a doctor. Diagnostic procedures are likely to include blood tests to determine if hair loss is secondary to androgenic alopecia, hormonal imbalances, or blood deficiency. The final diagnosis will determine the benefits of the medical treatment regimen and whether hair transplantation is a good and appropriate option to solve the problem
The following steps are taken before deciding to continue the hair transplantation process
Personal consultation to check if you are a good candidate for hair transplant
Examination of the donor area to determine the number of hair follicle units that can be obtained.
Examine the recipient area to determine the final number of follicles needed for transplantation.
hair transplant cost
When the decision is made
Explanation of the pre-operative instructions to the patient
medical history report
Photograph of the patient before the operation
Determining the date of the hair transplant operation
Hair transplant techniques for women
Hair transplantation is an outpatient surgical procedure that is performed in the clinic of a hair surgeon. Gone are the days when hair transplantation made the scalp look like a field of freshly planted corn. New technology and improved surgical techniques have helped improve the hair transplantation process
For patients with hair loss, the most important decision for you is to get a proper diagnosis and evaluation from a trichologist. After the correct diagnosis is made, about 10% of patients choose to continue the surgical hair transplant procedure
There are two main types of hair transplant operations in Turkey available to women who want thicker hair or fuller eyebrows. For women who are entitled to undergo hair transplantation, the available hair transplantation techniques are the strip hair transplantation technique and the hair follicle transplantation technique
There are strengths and weaknesses to both techniques and no single hair transplant technique for women is the best. Ideally, a surgical consultation is completed and a complete examination of the hair and scalp is performed before a decision is made for a hair transplant. FUE hair transplantation is a desirable cosmetic procedure because it does not leave a large linear scar at the back of the scalp for men with short hair styles. As for women who have naturally longer hair, the strip hair transplant technique may be more ideal for them