2- Keeping pets at home


2- Keeping pets at home

Breeding pets at home and the way to raise pets at home and whether there are harms to children and the elderly are all in this article

Pet breeding
Pets are defined as animals that can be raised at home, either for entertainment or for protection and guarding, and many animals are raised; Such as: dogs, cats, rabbits, and fish, in addition to mice, birds and turtles

Benefits of raising pets
Keeping pets at home is one of the most important factors that reduce the risk of developing allergic diseases, the most important of which is asthma, as it reduces the risk of developing asthma by 15%
It is recommended for those who suffer from persistent severe stress and tension to raise a pet, because it has a positive impact in reducing stress and reducing nervousness

Keeping pets helps lower cholesterol in the body, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease
Keeping pets enhances social relationships, especially raising some animals that force their owner to leave the house
Keeping pets improves the immune system’s performance, and helps control blood sugar in diabetic patients
Having a pet at home is important for children with autism, poor focus and hyperactivity

Pets are used in medical fields as one of the types of treatments that treat various diseases, as well as prevent infection with some diseases
One of the advantages of keeping pets is that it maintains the health of the heart and arteries, as it reduces the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis

Keeping pets
Keeping pets

How to raise and take care of pets
Setting rules and laws
It is very important to set rules and laws related to the animal and the way it is raised, such as: laws related to feeding and cleaning it, or taking it for a walk, in order to train it in a certain style, and limit the places it can go to or those that are forbidden to it, such as sleeping on the bed
Prepare all necessary supplies for the animal
The food and its eating utensils, drinking water utensils, and the place for relieving itself, in addition to its own necessities, must be prepared; Such as: the collar and the chain

Do some housekeeping

Keeping away electrical appliances, detergents and toxic pesticides that may reach the animal, in addition to keeping plants that may harm animals, keeping valuables away, and keeping away pins, sewing tools, cosmetics and medical medicines
Allocate a new place for the good animals, preferably away from the old animals until they gradually get used to each other, because the animals take time to get to know each other


Connecting electrical wires to protect animals from chewing and causing harm to them, or harming the home
Close the doors well, whether the external or internal doors, to prevent animals from escaping, in addition to tightly closing the doors of the cupboards to prevent animals from tampering with the holdings of the house and sabotaging them

Knowing how to handle pets
Make sure that all family members understand how to deal with the animal, how to carry it and play with it, in addition to knowing the laws related to it, to avoid disturbing or confusing it, by reading books related to animal husbandry, and watching videos related to this

Choose a healthy animal
It is advised to choose a healthy animal to raise at home by taking it to the veterinarian to ensure that it is sterilized, clipping its nails, giving it the necessary vaccinations, and being careful not to overfeed it, so as not to negatively affect the pet’s health and activity

Benefits of raising pets at home
Reducing the possibility of allergic diseases; Ex: asthma.

Reduce stress and nervousness
Keeping pets is important for people with autism, poor concentration or hyperactivity

Benefits of raising pets
Get rid of depression
Studies have proven that people who own pets do not suffer from depression compared to others who do not keep pets, because they are characterized by gentleness and softness when dealing with these animals. Because they care for these animals

Reducing the incidence of allergies
Keeping pets at home helps reduce a person’s chance of developing allergic diseases, especially asthma, as the incidence of it is reduced by 15%
lowering blood pressure
Scientific studies have proven that pet owners do not suffer from high blood pressure problems, compared to people who do not keep pets, and the percentage of health problems related to effort can be reduced, due to the acquisition of a pet at home, and playing with some pets. Inside the house, it stimulates the production of the hormone dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for happiness, relaxation and calmness in the body

Lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood
Having a pet inside the house reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides accumulated in the body, which is one of the most important causes of heart disease

Keeping pets indoors helps to exercise some exercise, because the owners of these animals prefer to go out for walks with their animals, and this may become part of their daily routine, as these animals push their owners to get out and move outside the house, even if the weather is cold

Keeping pets
Keeping pets

The educational benefits of raising pets
Raising pets at home raises some of the child’s life skills, as it teaches children general hygiene; Because the pet needs constant hygiene; Whether they are fish, birds, or dogs, and the child’s interest in the cleanliness of the animals he raises raises him a sense of keeping it clean permanently, and it raises him a sense of responsibility and mercy, in addition to making him feel God Almighty’s power and greatness while observing the growth of these animals, and it is worth mentioning Keeping pets at home is important if there are children with autism, poor concentration, or hyperactivity