4- Deafness in dogs
4- Deafness in dogs
Hearing loss or deafness in dogs can be partial or complete. What are the causes and symptoms of hearing loss in dogs
? what is the treatment of deafness in dogs
The term hearing loss in dogs or deafness in dogs refers to the complete or partial loss of the sense of hearing. Learn about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating deafness in dogs
Types of deafness in dogs
Deafness in dogs is divided into congenital deafness and acquired deafness
congenital deafness
In this case, the dog is born deaf due to genetic problems or birth defects in the development of the ear or nervous system associated with hearing
acquired deafness

The animal is born with normal hearing and becomes deaf due to trauma, infection, blockage of the ear canal, or nerve degeneration
Deafness in dogs is also divided into conductive deafness and sensory deafness
conductive deafness
Hearing impairment in dogs is conductive when there is a disturbance in the transmission of sound at the level of the outer ear, eardrum, or middle ear
sensorineural deafness
Neural receptors cannot transmit sound signals from the ear to the brain, or the brain centers responsible for hearing are unable to interpret auditory data
Causes of hearing loss in dogs
Hearing loss in dogs can be temporary or permanent and may affect one or both ears. Temporary or transient deafness in dogs is often due to the following causes
Earwax buildup
Dirt buildup in the ear canals
Some dogs may have excess hair in or around the ears. These hairs cause wax and dirt to build up, which leads to blockage of the canal and, consequently, hearing loss. This type of deafness can be corrected with treatment
Acquired deafness has several causes, including
Senescence (normal post-aging neurodegeneration)
Repeated exposure to loud noises (shooting, stereo equipment)
A blockage in the ear canal by a foreign body (such as a buildup of wax, inner ear hair, grass, fluid, and other things)
Injury (including injury to the ear canal or eardrum, head injury)
Infection (outer, middle, or inner ear infection or yeast infection)
Inflammation (swelling of the ear or eustachian tube)
Tumor (in the ear or eustachian tube)
Heavy metals (exposure to mercury, arsenic, or lead may cause hearing loss in dogs)
Drug toxicity (taking some medicines can cause deafness in dogs as a side effect or if they are used incorrectly, such as: furosemide, cisplatin, chlorhexidine, ethanol, aminoglycosides, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, ethanol, chlorhexidine, furosemide, cisplatin)
Age-related deafness develops gradually and usually occurs around age 13. Many older dogs permanently lose their hearing but do not become completely deaf
Congenital deafness is caused by birth defects of the ear or nervous system due to abnormal genetics or abnormal anatomical development
What breeds are most likely to develop deafness in dogs
Some breeds are more likely to develop congenital deafness than others. This type of deafness can affect up to 50% of dogs in some breeds
Dr. says. George Strain, MD, a veterinary researcher into the causes of hearing loss in dogs, and professor of neurology at Louisiana State University College of Veterinary Medicine, has identified 89 breeds of dogs with the highest incidence of congenital deafness
The spotted or Dalmatian dog is most at risk, with 30% of puppies being deaf in one or both ears. Other dog breeds with a high incidence of deafness include: Bull Terrier, English sitter, Australian Shepherd, Jack Russell Terrier, and Whippet Greyhound. There is a link between congenital deafness and the color of the fur. Dogs with white or merle fur may be at greater risk of developing congenital deafness
Symptoms of deafness in dogs
Symptoms of hearing loss in dogs are many, including
Little or no response to sounds
The dog does not react to sound games
Does not react to applause
Not responding to the snapping of fingers behind his head
Doesn’t respond to doorbell, loud sounds
The dog does not respond when called by his name
He does not react when someone enters the room
Not responding to the barking of other dogs
Difficult to wake him up
Amazement upon waking
Excessive barking
Diagnosing deafness in dogs
If you notice one or more of these symptoms in your dog, make an appointment with your vet for a thorough evaluation and discussion of treatment options
After examining the dog’s ear canals for abnormalities, such as the presence of earwax. The vet will do a simple hearing test, such as walking quietly behind the dog and clapping hard to check his reaction
If you use this method to test your dog’s hearing at home, be sure to stay far enough away from him because he may feel the vibrations. You can also wait for him to fall asleep and then test his hearing
Although these tests can give an idea of a dog’s ability to hear, the most reliable way to determine hearing impairment in dogs is a PEA test
Originally developed to test hearing in infants, this test records the response of the brain’s electrical activity to sound stimuli. This test is quick, requires no anesthesia and can be done from 5 weeks of age

Treating deafness in dogs
Treatment can range from simple treatment of an ear infection to surgery. Deafness in dogs can also be treated with devices intended to improve hearing, such as hearing collars that amplify sound in the ears or hearing devices that aim to “replace” damaged parts of the ear
How do I help my deaf dog in his daily life
Discovering your dog or puppy’s deafness can be distressing to you, but make sure that there is no reason why a hearing impaired dog can’t live a happy life
Dogs who develop acquired deafness, especially in old age, generally do not have any problems with hearing loss but will have little difficulty adjusting to their condition. However, you must make some changes to your dog’s diary to fit in with his new lifestyle
The same goes for the puppy who is born with congenital deafness, you must provide him with an appropriate upbringing in line with his health condition to ensure his healthy development. Here are some solutions
Get the right treatment. Temporary problems such as an ear infection can eventually lead to permanent hearing loss
Watch your dog more closely to avoid injury, as he does not hear the traffic and dangers around him. Many deaf dogs learn visual commands quickly through hand signals. Use the reward system
Let your dog know where you are. Some deaf dogs may become anxious if they notice that their owner has suddenly disappeared
Approach him with caution, deaf dogs get scared easily, especially when sleeping. You can turn the lights on and off several times when entering the room to let your dog know you’ve arrived
Finally, add a bell to the dog’s collar, so you can easily hear it and locate it in the home and garden
Deafness in dogs requires special care. It is important to monitor deaf dogs as much as possible to avoid possible infection