6- How to raise falcons
6- How to raise falcons
How to raise falcons and methods of caring for falcons In this article, we will learn about how to raise falcons through these following lines
? What is the hawk
The falcon is a bird of prey from the falcon family. The falcon eggs hatch in late summer and the female hawk hunts her prey from migratory birds at that time to feed her young chicks. Falcons are of many types, the most important of which are the Saker Falcon, which is famous for its types (Al-Jorudi, Al-Qatami and Hijazi), the Shaheen falcon, the eagle, the Shami, the lime, the Maghribi, the Persian, the Bukhari and the Wakri
The falcon is a skilled hunter who is able to catch his prey to feed on it, which prompted many to take advantage of this feature to train him to hunt. In some countries, the falcon is raised as a pet that is relied upon to bring sustenance from rabbits and some birds

The falcon belongs to the family of hawks or falcons. The length of the falcon ranges between 25 and 70 centimeters, and it weighs 2 kilograms. Female hawks are larger than males in all species
Falcons build their nests in rocky reefs, in trees or on the ground, and generally build nests from sticks, but some hawks build nests from amalide (small branches), herbs and other plant materials. Young hawks are all white and weak without their parents
How to raise falcons
you must gather all the available information about the different types and colors of falcons, and focus on the quiet types of them that you can adapt to and suit the atmosphere of your home, then go to the bird market and look for the falcons in it and ask the seller about all What is on your mind about falcons and how to take care of them and raise them in your home may draw your attention to something that you are unaware of, and you will certainly benefit from his experience a lot while raising a falcon in your home
Buy a falcon after you prepare a suitable place for it and buy it a large and spacious cage that does not restrict its freedom, otherwise it will rebel and be difficult for you to control
Treat the falcon in a good manner and generous feeding it, such as slaughtering rabbits and pigeons for it and offering it the most delicious meals. Do not forget that you are dealing with a smart bird, and this requires you to treat it also intelligently so that it can understand you and make it easier for you to train it. For example, you can link food to it By the sound of the bell, when he hears it, he knows that you have prepared his meal for him
Before you offer food to the falcon, check the food well and make sure that it is intact, and get rid of the internal entrails and leave only the liver and the heart. Pay close attention to the fact that the falcon needs a lot of water, especially in the summer, unlike the food that it needs more in the winter. And only his condition will get worse
It takes three to four weeks to train some falcons, and this period is appropriate so that the falcon can recognize you and the name you chose for it and hear your call, you and all those around you. More understanding and security
Note that the falcon has signs by which you can verify the health of the falcon, including that it is clear in color, it can spread its wings, its bones are equal, especially the thigh bones, and make sure that its pulse is moderate
How do you know the type of disease that affects the falcon
Among these common diseases
Asha’s disease: which is the falcon’s inability to see at night due to the coldness of the brain. You can treat it by preventing meat from it and limiting it to only grains in feeding it, and distilling a mixture of pure water and rose water in its eyes
Smallpox disease: It is the appearance of round, red growths on the eyelid of the falcon, and it is treated by massaging the eyelids with garlic and sprinkling the ashes of olive leaf on them
You notice this disease with the lightness of the feathers of the falcon and that its body has become lean and its temperature is rising, and you can treat it by offering it mutton milk
we will discuss some of the well-known types of falcons
The peregrine falcon: The origin of the word Shaheen comes from Persia, which means (the balance). And the solidity of its bones, and you find it short-legged, wide-middle, and characterized by a large chest and lack of feathers
The Sacred Falcon: It is sometimes called Abu Imran, Abu Shuja, and it is also called Al-Haytham, and there are three types of rare, Al-Laziz and Al-Taba
Some small notes that must be mentioned when raising falcons
The falcon training period lasts from three to four weeks, which is the appropriate period for the falcon so that it can then get to know its owner and his companions, fulfill their orders, recognize the name given to him, and then respond to the call
.It is necessary to accompany him as much time as possible in order to increase familiarity and understanding between you, especially at the beginning
. You have to take into account the weather condition, as falcons tend to eat more in cold and winter days and drink a lot of water in summer times
. When presenting food to the falcon, make sure that it is safe. The pigeon or something else is removed from the stomach, intestines and urinary tract, and only the liver and heart are kept inside, and then presented to the falcon
.In the event of his illness, use ammonium chloride, or more commonly known as starch, as it helps clean his stomach and helps him get rid of excess fat and weight, but an overdose leads to death
. Ensuring the physical health of the falcon, where the ability to spread its wings in one straight line, the consistency of its guinea and the tendency of its color to white with a little blackness, that its eyes are clear and do not have any strange secretions, and make sure that there are no red blisters on the eyelids, which indicates the infection of smallpox
. His breathing and heartbeat should be normal, and he should eat well
. Making sure that there are no lice among the bird’s feathers, as it is one of the most factors that cause the death of hawks
Falcon breeding and training
Falcons live in almost all parts of the world, and they are diurnal birds of prey characterized by their long and pointed wings, in addition to their speed and strength in flight. The process of raising and training a falcon goes through several stages, as follows
Training in the first period
The falcon can be trained in the first period by following the following: Introducing the falcon to its new environment The falcon must be kept inside the house for a start for a week, while maintaining the head cover. present so that the new environment does not cause him to panic, and then gradually exposed to new sounds such as the voices of family members To adapt and get used to them and integrate with them, after that the head covering is removed, and the bird’s behavior is monitored
In the event that the falcon shows signs of disturbance and anxiety, its head must be covered again to relieve tension and pressure, but if the falcon shows signs of relaxation, such as accepting a shower and the like, the head cover is removed permanently, and it is advised to spend as much time as possible with the bird in the acclimation period until it gets used to the presence of its trainer or a nanny

Hold the meat by hand to train the falcon
One or two days after the falcon becomes accustomed to its new environment, a small piece of raw meat the size of a cherry is placed in the gloved trainer’s hand*. the meat
The exercise continues for 30 minutes until the falcon feels comfortable eating in front of its trainer, then the pieces of meat are placed on the glove and the trainer signals the bird while it is at a greater distance from it compared to the first time, and gradually increase this distance as the bird increases confidence in its trainer
Throwing meat on the ground
After the bird skips the stage of eating meat on the trainer’s glove with confidence, you must start throwing food on the ground, in which the trainer raises his gloved arm and then whistles or by clicking as a signal for the bird to come to the trainer’s glove. The trainer has a little meat on the ground and allows the bird to pounce on it
Some trainers make a mistake, which is to continue feeding the falcon with the glove, and what is correct is to gradually dispense with the latter, and train the falcon not to tie it to food, and throwing food on the ground teaches the bird that the trainer’s arm is a good place to hunt from, not the place where he gets food
Starting training using bait
The training using bait can be done as follows: Using a bait that resembles the animals that it hunts, the falcon is given food such as quail, ducks or rabbits, and according to the prey that the trainer wants his falcon to hunt, the training begins from inside the house, by attaching a small piece of meat to a doll that resembles the prey, and the training process continues This is up to several days, after which the trainer should be ready to start training the bird to hunt
The bird is ready to hunt once it begins to trust its trainer; Such as showing a calm behavior, and showing a willingness to pounce on the prey
Moving the bait in front of the falcon
The bird is attracted by shaking the bait or moving it from a distance of 60 to 90 cm away from it, and small pieces of meat should help encourage it to attack the prey or bait, by connecting the prey with the bait by a stick and a long thread, shaking the stick to make the bait .The trainer should not hold the bait itself in his hands, as the falcon may need to be convinced of the bait at first, and may only step or walk as a response, and once the falcon has taken the bait, the trainer must hold his glove and signal the bird to approach it
Increasing the chase distance
When the falcon starts to go reliably to the bait from the distance mentioned earlier, the trainer must then double the distance, while continuing to train the bird indoors or indoors, and after the bird attacks the bait, the trainer must call him to his glove again; Thus, if the falcon is in a state of hunting, it will be trained to withdraw after catching the prey .The trainer, after the falcon has caught the prey, should throw a piece of raw meat on the ground for the falcon to eat, while some trainers make a mistake by allowing their falcons to eat the prey they have caught; So a hawk may not want to hunt unless it is hungry
Training abroad can be trained outside using the following:
Tying the falcon with a long rope as an anchor The trainer trains his bird to dribble, so that he attaches the bait to a balloon in the open air using a long rope with a length of at least 30 m, and shakes the bait at a distance of about 3 to 4 m from the falcon, And just as he did while training indoors. The trainer gradually increases the distance of the chase until it reaches the full distance of the required hunting area, and the trainer should invite the bird to its glove and reward it with a small piece of raw meat after attacking the bait
Training the hawk without the rope
The trainer dispenses with the rope If the falcon attacks the bait boldly and confidently, this may seem nerve-wracking at first, but if the bird is doing well, it should return reliably and without shouting at it. Depending on the behavior of the bird, the bird must be ready For his first hunting trip, after one to three weeks of training, he installs a radio transmitter on one of his legs, so that the trainer tracks his bird and does not lose it, but it is a step that does not dispense with good training for the bird
Increasing hunting distances
The trainer expands the hunting distances for the bird using balloons or kites, and some trainers also use drones to train their birds, and this method of training is especially useful if the prey is quail or ducks,[3] which accustoms the falcon to aerial hunting
The headgear for the falcon
made of leather, covers the bird’s eyes and keeps it calm
Trainer glove
also made of leather, and helps make the arm more comfortable for the falcon, and protects the trainer from the bird’s claws at the same time