7- Kangaroo paw planting


7- Kangaroo paw planting

Growing kangaroo claw flowers add an aesthetic appearance to your garden and home, know the appropriate soil for its cultivation, the necessary temperature and lighting, and the method of cultivation from seeds

The cultivation of kangaroo claw flowers belongs to Australia, where kangaroos are common, and these flowers resemble a kangaroo claw. The leaves are long, slender and arched, and the tubular flowers grow on the stems in fan-like rows. They are also covered with velvety fluff. Giving it the appearance of an animal’s paw. The colors of the flowers range from red, orange, yellow, and purple. Where these flowers bloom in spring and summer

About the origin of kangaroo claw flowers
The original homeland of kangaroo claw flowers is Western Australia. Where it grows in the wild on roadsides, in forests, and along the banks of rivers. It was first discovered by botanist Jack Julian in 1972. It was during his expedition to Australia

Kangaroo paw planting
Kangaroo paw planting

It is worth noting that Western Australia had used kangaroo flowers as its floral logo since 1960. During 1803 these flowers were brought to Europe for breeding. Where it was grown in greenhouses, and the gardens of Emperor Josephine Malmaison in France

Soil suitable for growing kangaroo flowers

Sandy soils are preferred for kangaroo claw flowers, and they thrive on low pH levels between 5.8 and 6.5. But the good thing about kangaroo flowers is that they tolerate all types of soil with good drainage

The perfect site for kangaroo paw cultivation
Growing kangaroo claw flowers requires a place that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Exposing it to direct sunlight allows it to grow better, and a greater chance of forming gorgeous kangaroo paws. Kangaroo flowers can also withstand the hot afternoon sun. While we find that not getting enough light during the cultivation period will lead to poor growth, and the lack of flowers

Suitable climate for kangaroo paws flowers
Kangaroo flowers grow and thrive in high temperatures, while the cold is fatal to this plant; Therefore, it is preferable to keep it at temperatures between 21 and 26 degrees Celsius. It also prefers a relatively dry climate. It can also withstand some humidity

You can plant kangaroo claw flowers any time from March through October and early November

Famous types of kangaroo paws

Breeders have created different varieties of kangaroo by crossbreeding. The new varieties are characterized by increased resistance to diseases, in addition to the diversity of their delightful flowers, and include the following

Category Scientific Name Description
The small kangaroo claw Anigozanthos bicolor is less than 60 cm long and produces yellow, green and red flowers
The dwarf kangaroo, Anigozanthos Bush Ranger, reaches 30 to 60 cm in width and height, and bears red flowers
A tall kangaroo claw Anigozanthos flavidus This type of kangaroo grows up to 120 cm, and the flowers are usually yellow or green
Red and green kangaroo Anigozanthos manglesii This species is the floral emblem of Western Australia, and produces green and red flowers and stems

Growing kangaroo flowers from seeds

Growing kangaroo claw flowers from seed takes some patience as it takes at least 6 weeks to see the beginning of germination. Here’s how to germinate seeds in 3 steps

Soak the seeds in hot water for two hours
Plant the seeds in warm, moist soil
Keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate

Soaking the seeds in hot water helps soften the outer shell of the seeds, allowing them to germinate easily

Tips for growing kangaroo claw flowers in a home pot
Follow these tips to enjoy beautiful kangaroo flowers indoors

To grow kangaroo claw flowers in a pot, choose a short or dwarf variety
Use well-drained potting soil, preferably mixed with sand
Place the gravel under the pot, and then the soil
Do not place a saucer under the planting pot
Cover the soil surface with mulch to maintain moisture and temperature
Monitor watering needs daily, especially in hot weather
Place the pot in a place where it gets direct sunlight

Kangaroo paw planting
Kangaroo paw planting

Propagation of kangaroo plants by division
Propagation by division is done if you have a kangaroo claw plant in your home garden. Dividing the plant every few years helps promote healthy growth. You can follow these steps

Remove the plant from the soil with a shovel
Use scissors to remove leaves 30 cm high
Replant each section in a new location
Keep the soil moist during the period of new roots

How to water kangaroo flowers
Kangaroo plants prefer a moderate amount of moisture; So wait for the top of the soil to dry out to water the plant. It is known for its drought tolerance. While we find that the plant will need to increase the number of watering times during the spring and summer, during the flowering period

kangaroo plant fertilization
Kangaroo plants do not need to fertilize regularly, just add some compost to the soil before flower stalks appear during spring and summer

Birds and insects play a role in transferring pollen from one flower to another, and thus the necessary pollination process takes place for seed production and reproduction

Thus, we have shed light on how to grow kangaroo claw flowers from seeds, and the type of soil suitable for cultivation, in addition to the requirements of light and heat for better growth of flowers. As well as the method of irrigation and fertilization to produce more flowers during the spring and summer

kangaroo paw planting
Planting kangaroo claw flowers gives your home joy and beauty as a result of its attractive colors and unique appearance