List of Phobias – 1


List of Phobias – 1

Phobias starting with letters A, B

Acarophobiafear of itching or of insects causing itching
Acrophobiafear of heights
Aerophobiafear of flying or draughts
Agoraphobiafear of open spaces
Agyiophobiafear of crossing busy streets
Aichmophobiafear of sharp or pointed objects
Ailurophobiafear of cats
Algophobiafear of pain
Amathophobiafear of dust
Amaxophobiafear of riding in a car
Ambulophobiafear of walking
Anglophobiafear of England or the English
Anthrophobiafear of humans
Anuptaphobiafear of staying single
Aquaphobiafear of water
Arachibutyrophobiafear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth
Arachnophobiafear of spiders
Astraphobiafear of being struck by lightning
Astrapophobiafear of thunder and lightning
Automysophobiafear of being dirty
Autophobiafear of solitude
Ballistophobiafear of missiles
Bathophobiafear of falling from a high place
Batophobiafear of heights or being close to tall buildings
Batrachophobiafear of frogs and toads
Belonephobiafear of pins and needles
Bibliophobiafear of books
Blennophobiafear of slime
Brontophobiafear of thunder and lightning

List of Phobias

Phobias starting with letters from C-F

Cancerophobiafear of cancer
Cathisophobiafear of sitting
Cenophobiafear of empty spaces
Chrematophobiafear of money
Cibophobiafear of or distaste for food
Claustrophobiafear of closed spaces
Climacophobiafear of falling down stairs
Clinophobiafear of staying in bed
Cremnophobiafear of cliffs and precipices
Cyberphobiafear of computers
Cynophobiafear of dogs
Dromophobiafear of crossing streets
Dysmorphophobiafear of physical deformities
Ecophobiafear of home
Eleutherophobiafear of freedom
Eosophobiafear of dawn
Ergasiophobiafear of work
Ergophobiafear of work
Erotophobiafear of sex
Erythrophobiafear of red lights or of blushing
Euphobiafear of good news
Francophobiafear of France or the French

List of Phobias

Phobias starting with letters from G-L

Gallophobiafear of France or the French
Gamophobiafear of marriage
Geniophobiafear of chins
Genophobiafear of sex
Gerascophobiafear of growing old
Graphophobiafear of writing
Gymnophobiafear of nudity
Heliophobiafear of sunlight
Herpetophobiafear of snakes
Hierophobiafear of sacred things
Homichlophobiafear of fog
Homophobiafear of homosexuals
Hydrophobiafear of water
Hypsophobiafear of high places
Iatrophobiafear of going to the doctor
Iconophobiafear or hatred of images
Kainotophobiafear of change
Kakorrhaphiophobiafear of failure
Kenophobiafear of empty spaces
Ligyrophobiafear of loud noises
Linonophobiafear of string
Lygophobiafear of darkness
Lyssophobiafear of hydrophobia

List of Phobias

Phobias starting with letters from M-P

Macrophobiafear of prolonged waiting
Metrophobiafear of poetry
Monophobiafear of being alone
Muriphobiafear of mice
Myophobiafear of mice
Mysophobiafear of contamination or dirt
Nebulaphobiafear of fog
Necrophobiafear of corpses
Negrophobiafear of blacks
Neophobiafear of novelty
Nosophobiafear of disease
Novercaphobiafear of one’s stepmother
Nyctophobiafear of the night or darkness
Ochlophobiafear of crowds
Oenophobiafear or hatred of wine
Ombrophobiafear of rain
Onomatophobiafear of hearing a certain word
Ophidiophobiafear of snakes
Ophthalmophobiafear of being stared at
Optophobiafear of opening one’s eyes
Ornithophobiafear of birds
Paedophobiafear of children; fear of dolls
Panophobiamelancholia marked by groundless fears
Pantophobiafear of everything
Parthophobiafear of virgins
Pathophobiafear of disease
Pediculophobiafear of lice
Pentheraphobiafear or hatred of one’s mother-in-law
Phagophobiafear of eating
Phengophobiafear of daylight
Phonophobiafear of noise or of speaking aloud
Photophobiafear of light
Pogonophobiafear of beards
Psychrophobiafear of the cold
Pteronophobiafear of being tickled by feathers
Pyrophobiafear of fire

List of Phobias

Phobias starting with letters from R-Z

Russophobiafear of Russia or Russians
Satanophobiafear of the devil
Sciaphobiafear of shadows
Scopophobiafear of being looked at
Scoptophobiafear of being looked at
Scotophobiafear of the dark
Sitiophobiafear of food
Sitophobiafear of food or eating
Spectrophobiafear of looking in a mirror
Symmetrophobiafear of symmetry
Syphilophobiafear of syphilis
Taphephobiafear of being buried alive
Technophobiafear of technology
Thalassophobiafear of the sea
Thanatophobiafear of death
Theophobiafear of God
Tocophobiafear of pregnancy or childbirth
Tonitrophobiafear of thunder
Topophobiafear of performing; fear of certain places
Toxicophobiafear of poisoning
Toxiphobiafear of poison or being poisoned
Triskaidekaphobiafear of the number thirteen
Uranophobiafear of heaven
Xenophobiafear of foreigners
Zelophobiafear of jealousy
Zoophobiafear of animals

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It causes a person to experience overwhelming or debilitating fear of a situation or thing that typically does not pose any real danger

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in the United States alone, around 12.5%Trusted Source of adults experience a phobia of a specific situation or object at some point in their lives.

This article describes what a phobia is and outlines the different categories of phobia. It also lists some of the most common and least common phobias, as well as some ways a person can treat a phobia

What is a phobia

a woman sat outside and looking worried because she is thinking about her list of phobias

A phobia is an overwhelming or debilitating fear, usually of something that poses no real danger at all. If it does pose some danger, the person’s response is usually out of proportion to the actual danger it poses

People who have a phobia are generally aware that their fear is irrational. They will nonetheless experience severe anxiety upon exposure to their phobia

Having a phobia does not just mean that someone is scared of something. People with phobias have an exaggerated fear response. In severe cases, people may rearrange their lives to avoid the situation or thing that is causing their anxiety

Types of phobia

There are three broad phobia categories: specific phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia.

The sections below will look at these in more detail

Specific phobias

Specific, or “simple,” phobias are those that relate to a particular object or situation

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)Trusted Source classifies specific phobias according to the following categories

Animal type: Examples include dogs, snakes, and spiders

Natural environment type: Examples include storms, water, and height.

Blood, injection, and injury (BII) type: Examples include needles, invasive medical procedures, and blood

Situational type: Examples include a fear of flying and a fear of enclosed spaces

Other type: This type is characterized by any phobia that does not fit into the above categories

People often develop specific phobias when they are younger. They may find that the phobia becomes less severe with age, but this is not always the case

Social phobias

A social phobia is an extreme fear of being in social situations that may cause embarrassment or humiliation

One example of a social phobia is a fear of public speaking


Agoraphobia is a fear of being in public spaces or crowded areas without an easy means of escape. In severe cases, people with agoraphobia become housebound because they are afraid to leave their safe space

Social phobias and agoraphobia are more likely to cause life impairment because the situation or thing that causes the phobia is a lot more difficult to avoid

Common phobias

Phobias are a common type of anxiety disorder. They can affect any person, regardless of their age or sex.

Below is a list of some of the most common phobias

PhobiaPrevalence and facts
Acrophobia (fear of heights)Another name for acrophobia is “visual height intolerance.”

According to the DSM-5, 6.4%Trusted Source of adults will experience acrophobia at some point in their lives. The authors add that women are slightly more likely to experience this type of phobia than men.
Aerophobia (fear of flying)Another name for aerophobia is “pteromerhanophobia.”

Aerophobia is among the most common phobias.

2019 studyTrusted Source of flight anxiety in Norwegian adults found that aerophobia is more common among women than men. The study also pointed to several sources of severe flight anxiety, including odd sounds, turbulence, and a fear of terror attacks.
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces or crowds)Agoraphobia often causes avoidance behaviors that significantly impact a person’s life. People with agoraphobia may avoid a variety of social situations.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, around 1.3%Trusted Source of adults in the U.S. experience agoraphobia at some point in their lives.
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)2010 study reports that spiders are among the most common sources of phobias in the world.
BII phobiasBII phobias include Aichmophobia and hemophobia.

Aichmophobia is a fear of needles or sharp-pointed objects. Hemophobia is a fear of blood.

BII phobias are very common, affecting around 3–4%Trusted Source of the general population.

People with BII phobias may avoid certain medical appointments and procedures. This can significantly affect their health.
Claustrophobia (fear of tight or crowded spaces)According to a 2020 articleTrusted Source, between 7.7% and 12.5% of people will experience claustrophobia at some point in their lives.

Several situations may cause anxiety for people with claustrophobia. For example, elevators and MRI machines pose a problem for people who are fearful of tight spaces.
Dentophobia (fear of dentists)Extreme dental anxiety affects around 10%Trusted Source of people in the United Kingdom. Dentophobia is a common phobia in Western countries and seems to affect men and women equallyTrusted Source.

2014 studyTrusted Source found that people avoid the dentist for a variety of reasons. These include previous traumatic experiences at the dentist and learned fear through other people.

People who avoid dental appointments due to dentophobia may experience poor oral health. This can have a direct impact on a person’s overall health and quality of life.
Driving phobia (fear of driving a car)As with other phobias, driving phobia exists on a spectrum. Some people are reluctant to drive, while others avoid driving altogether.

2017 studyTrusted Source found that around 6% of adults aged 55–70 years experience moderate-to-severe driving anxiety.

The study linked driving anxiety to poorer mental and physical health and a lower quality of life.
Entomophobia (fear of insects)Entomophobia is also known as “insectophobia.”

2018 study investigated the prevalence of entomophobia and arachnophobia in school-aged Iranian children. Of the 260 children who took part in the study, 4.5% had a severe phobia of insects and arachnids, 33.3% had a moderate phobia, and 62.2% had a mild phobia.

The study also found that increasing knowledge of insects helped reduce entomophobia.
Glossophobia (fear of public speaking)Glossophobia falls under the category of social phobias.

People with glossophobia avoid public speaking for fear of judgment, embarrassment, or humiliation.
Hypochondria (fear of illness)Hypochondria involves excessive worrying about medical conditions.

Other names for hypochondria include “somatic symptom disorder” and “health anxiety.”
Mysophobia (fear of dirt and germs)Mysophobia, or “germaphobia,” is a fear of microorganisms such as bacteria, parasites, or viruses. This type of phobia often occurs alongside obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Sociophobia (fear of social judgment)Sociophobia is a common type of anxiety disorder. It affects more than 1 in 8 people at some point in their lives.

Social fears vary widely, from fear of speaking in public to fear of using public restrooms.
Zoophobia (fear of animals)A person who experiences a fear of animals will usually fear a specific type of animal, such as dogs, reptiles, or birds. Such fears usually start at an early ageTrusted Source.

2019 study investigated the prevalence of zoophobia in school-aged children in India. Of the 2,743 students who took part in the study, 20.6% of males and 32.8% of females reported having zoophobia.

Other phobias 

A person may develop a phobia of any type of situation or thing. Because of this, there are hundreds of different phobias that people may experience

Below are some examples of less common phobias

It is important to note that health experts may disagree on the definitions of certain phobias, and some phobias have several names

Achluophobia or nyctophobia: This refers to a fear of darkness

Androphobia: This refers to a fear of men

Anginophobia: This refers to a fear of choking

Arithmophobia: This refers to a fear of numbers

Autophobia: This refers to a fear of being alone

Bacteriophobia: This refers to a fear of bacteria

Bathmophobia: This refers to a fear of steep slopes or stairs

Coulrophobia: This refers to a fear of clowns

Cyberphobia: This refers to a fear of computers

Emetophobia: This refers to a fear of vomiting

Escalophobia: This refers to a fear of escalators

Gynophobia: This refers to a fear of women

Hydrophobia, or aquaphobia: This refers to a fear of water

Iatrophobia: This refers to a fear of doctors

Lockiophobia: This refers to a fear of childbirth

Necrophobia: This refers to a fear of death or dead things

Nosocomephobia: This refers to a fear of hospitals

Obesophobia: This refers to a fear of gaining weight

Pogonophobia: This refers to a fear of beards

Pyrophobia: This refers to a fear of fire

Somniphobia: This refers to a fear of sleep

Treatment options

Most phobias are treatable, and many are curable

In some cases, avoiding the source of a phobia is relatively easy

However, treatment may be necessary for people who cannot easily avoid the source of their phobia. The sections below discuss some possible treatment options in these cases

Self-help techniques

Self-help techniques may combine different types of therapy, such as

Relaxation techniques: These include breathing exercises that help a person relax during times of heightened stress or anxiety

Visualization techniques: These are exercises that allow a person to mentally visualize how they will successfully cope with a situation that could trigger anxiety

Self-help groups: Meeting other people with phobias and sharing coping strategies for dealing with phobias and anxiety can help

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talking therapy that is usually very successful in treating phobias

CBT aims to help people identify irrational thinking patterns and behaviors that maintain or exacerbate their phobia. A CBT therapist will then teach a person some strategies for dealing with the phobia in a more rational and adaptive way

These strategies can ultimately reduce feelings of fear around the source of the phobia.

CBT typically involves exposure therapy

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy, or “desensitization therapy,” involves gradually exposing a person to their fear until they learn to become less fearful of it

For example, if a person has a fear of spiders, their exposure therapist may recommend that they read a book about spiders. Once the person is comfortable doing this, their therapist may suggest that they hold a picture of a spider

The therapist may then arrange for a person to view some spiders at a zoo. The final stage of the exposure therapy may involve holding a spider


Since talking therapies are usually effective at treating phobias, medications are rarely necessary.

However, a healthcare provider may sometimes prescribe tranquilizers, beta-blockers, or antidepressants to help control the anxiety that accompanies a phobia

When to see a doctor

A person should see a doctor if they have a phobia that is interfering with their everyday activities.

Sometimes, however, a person’s phobia may limit their ability to seek treatment. For example, a person who has severe agoraphobia may fear leaving the house to seek treatment. Likewise, a person who has a fear of healthcare providers or medical procedures may avoid visiting their doctor

In some cases, a person may feel more comfortable talking to a healthcare provider over the phone. The ADAA have a helpful search tool that allows people to find a psychotherapist in their area

Some providers also offer counseling services via email or video


A phobia is an overwhelming or debilitating fear of a particular situation or thing that likely does not pose any real danger

The sources of some phobias are more difficult to avoid than others. A person should seek professional help if their phobia causes constant anxiety or interferes with their daily life

Phobias tend to be highly treatable. CBT and exposure therapy are particularly effective treatments for phobias. A person can see a doctor or psychotherapist for advice on how to access these treatments

Phobia List – The Ultimate List of Phobias and Fears

What Do You Fear? - Complete List of Phobias from A to Z

This website is dedicated to fears and phobias. It contains a large list of phobias and teaches how to cope with and ultimately cure your fear. You can also learn more about phobia symptoms and what fear is. Support my work by sharing this phobia list

Not sure if you have an anxiety disorder? Take the anxiety test

Top 100 Phobia List

These are the top 100 phobias in the world, with the most common ones listed from the top. You can click on each phobia to learn about causes, symptoms and treatments

Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men)

Ophidiophobia – The fear of snakes. Phobics avoid certain cities because they have more snakes

Acrophobia – The fear of heights. Five percent of the general population suffer from this phobia

Agoraphobia – The fear of open or crowded spaces. People with this fear often wont leave home

Cynophobia – The fear of dogs. This includes everything from small Poodles to large Great Danes

Astraphobia – The fear of thunder/lightning AKA Brontophobia, Tonitrophobia, Ceraunophobia

Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces like elevators, small rooms and other enclosed spaces

Mysophobia – The fear of germs. It is also rightly termed as Germophobia or Bacterophobia

Aerophobia – The fear of flying. 25 million Americans share a fear of flying

Trypophobia – The fear of holes is an unusual but pretty common phobia

Carcinophobia – The fear of cancer. People with this develop extreme diets

Thanatophobia – The fear of death. Even talking about death can be hard

Glossophobia – The fear of public speaking. Not being able to do speeches

Monophobia – The fear of being alone. Even while eating and/or sleeping

Atychiphobia – The fear of failure. It is the single greatest barrier to success

Ornithophobia – The fear of birds. Individuals suffering from this may only fear certain species

Alektorophobia – The fear of chickens. You may have this phobia if chickens make you panic

Enochlophobia – The fear of crowds is closely related to Ochlophobia and Demophobia

Aphenphosmphobia – The fear of intimacy. Fear of being touched and love

Trypanophobia – The fear of needles. I used to fear needles (that and death)

Anthropophobia – The fear of people. Being afraid of people in all situations

Aquaphobia – The fear of water. Being afraid of water or being near water

Autophobia – The fear of abandonment and being abandoned by someone

Hemophobia – The fear of blood. Even the sight of blood can cause fainting

Gamophobia – The fear of commitment or sticking with someone to the end

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – The fear of long words. Believe it or not, it’s real

Xenophobia – The fear of the unknown. Fearing anything or anyone that is strange or foreign

Vehophobia – The fear of driving. This phobia affects personal and work life

Basiphobia – The fear of falling. Some may even refuse to walk or stand up

Achievemephobia – The fear of success. The opposite to the fear of failure

Theophobia – The fear of God causes an irrational fear of God or religion

Ailurophobia – The fear of cats. This phobia is also known as Gatophobia

Metathesiophobia – The fear of change. Sometimes change is a good thing

Globophobia – The fear of balloons. They should be fun, but not for phobics

Nyctophobia – The fear of darkness. Being afraid of the dark or the night is common for kids

Androphobia – The fear of men. Usually seen in younger females, but it can also affect adults

Phobophobia – The fear of fear. The thought of being afraid of objects/situations

Philophobia – The fear of love. Being scared of falling in love or emotions

Triskaidekaphobia – The fear of the number 13 or the bad luck that follows

Emetophobia – The fear of vomiting and the fear of loss of your self control

Gephyrophobia – The fear of bridges and crossing even the smallest bridge

Entomophobia – The fear of bugs and insects, also related to Acarophobia

Lepidopterophobia – The fear of butterflies and often most winged insects

Panophobia – The fear of everything or fear that terrible things will happen

Podophobia – The fear of feet. Some people fear touching or looking at feet, even their own

Paraskevidekatriaphobia – The fear of Friday the 13th. About 8% of Americans have this phobia

Somniphobia – The fear of sleep. Being terrified of what might happen right after you fall asleep

Gynophobia – The fear of women. May occur if you have unresolved mother issues

Apiphobia – The fear of bees. Many people fear being stung by angry bees

Koumpounophobia – The fear of buttons. Clothes with buttons are avoided

Anatidaephobia – The fear of ducks. Somewhere, a duck is watching you

Pyrophobia – The fear of fire. A natural/primal fear that can be debilitating

Ranidaphobia – The fear of frogs. Often caused by episodes from childhood

Galeophobia – The fear of sharks in the ocean or even in swimming pools

Athazagoraphobia – The fear of being forgotten or not remembering things

Katsaridaphobia – The fear of cockroaches. This can easily lead to an excessive cleaning disorder

Iatrophobia – The fear of doctors. Do you delay doctor visits? You may have this

Pediophobia – The fear of dolls. This phobia could well be Chucky-induced

Ichthyophobia – The fear of fish. Includes small, large, dead and living fish

Achondroplasiaphobia – The fear of little people. As they look differently

Mottephobia – The fear of moths. These insects are only beautiful to some

Zoophobia – The fear of animals. Applies to both vile and harmless animals

Bananaphobia – The fear of bananas. If you have this phobia, they are scary

Sidonglobophobia – The fear of cotton balls or plastic foams. Oh that sound

Scelerophobia – The fear of crime involves being afraid of burglars, attackers or crime in general

Cibophobia – The fear of food. The phobia may come from a bad episode while eating, like choking

Phasmophobia – The fear of ghosts. AKA Spectrophobia. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters

Equinophobia – The fear of horses. Animal phobias are pretty common, especially for women

Musophobia – The fear of mice. Some people find mice cute, but phobics don’t

Catoptrophobia – The fear of mirrors. Being afraid of what you might see

Agliophobia – The fear of pain. Being afraid something painful will happen

Tokophobia – The fear of pregnancy involves giving birth or having children

Telephonophobia – The fear of talking on the phone. Phobics prefer texting

Pogonophobia – The fear of beards or being scared of/around bearded men

Omphalophobia – The fear of belly buttons. Touching and looking at navels

Pseudodysphagia – The fear of choking often after a bad eating experience

Bathophobia – The fear of depths can be anything associated with depth (lakes, tunnels, caves)

Cacomorphobia – The fear of fat people. Induced by the media. Affects some anorexics/bulimics

Gerascophobia – The fear of getting old. Aging is the most natural thing, yet many of us fear it

Chaetophobia – The fear of hair. Phobics tend to be afraid of other peoples hair

Nosocomephobia – The fear of hospitals. Let’s face it, no one likes hospitals

Ligyrophobia – The fear of loud noises. More than the instinctive noise fear

Didaskaleinophobia – The fear of school. This phobia affects kids mostly

Technophobia – The fear of technology is often induced by culture/religion

Chronophobia – The fear of the future. A persistent fear of what is to come

Spheksophobia – The fear of wasps. You panic and fear getting stung by it

Ergophobia – The fear of work. Often due to social or performance anxiety

Coulrophobia – The fear of clowns. Some people find clowns funny, coulrophobics certainly don’t

Allodoxaphobia – The fear of opinions. Being afraid of hearing what others are thinking of you

Samhainophobia – The fear of Halloween affects children/superstitious people

Photophobia – The fear of light caused by something medical or traumatic

Disposophobia – The fear of getting rid of stuff triggers extreme hoarding

Numerophobia – The fear of numbers and the mere thought of calculations

Ombrophobia – The fear of rain. Many fear the rain due to stormy weather

Coasterphobia – The fear of roller coasters. Ever seen Final Destination 3

Thalassophobia – The fear of the ocean. Water, waves and unknown spaces

Scoleciphobia – The fear of worms. Often because of unhygienic conditions

Kinemortophobia – The fear of zombies. Being afraid that zombies attack and turn you into them

Myrmecophobia – The fear of ants. Not as common as Arachnophobia, but may feel just as intense.

Taphophobia – The fear of being buried alive by mistake and waking up in a coffin underg