2- adolescence problems


2- adolescence problems


Adolescence is defined as the stage between childhood and early adulthood, and it often appears after puberty occurs in males or females, and usually begins at the age of twelve and may extend to the twenty-first. Adolescence as a stage is one of the most important and sensitive stages of a person’s life. This is because it is a transitional stage that moves the individual from childhood and meekness to the stage of youth and adulthood. It is a developmental stage like the rest of the other stages, except that it is punctuated by a comprehensive and radical change in all aspects and physical and mental phenomena

As for the adolescence period, it may be considered in general an age crisis that may arise due to many factors, either due to internal and external factors, or because of the great imbalance in the methods of treatment and interaction with some of the problems that the adolescent or adolescence may be exposed to

Characteristics of the adolescence stage

The stage of adolescence is characterized by accelerated growth compared to the previous stage and the stage that follows, growth and maturity appear in all aspects and personal dimensions, as well as the individual’s progress towards developmental progress and high levels of emotional and social maturity, and a high ability to assume responsibility and self-evaluation through awareness of abilities

The preparations and personal capabilities that are shaped by the various experiences and experiences of success and failure, and the development of thinking skills, planning for the future, and making decisions regarding the crucial issues that affect the individual’s private life, in addition to the rapid progress of growth in the physical and sexual aspects

Adolescence Problems

The adolescent faces many problems that may be of internal or external origin; These problems may prevent the psychological stability of the adolescent, in addition to the imbalance in the process of self- and social adjustment. These problems have been divided as follows

Subjective problems

are problems that can be both subjective and psychological in origin

Problems related to self and external appearance

The adolescent constantly monitors his external appearance and pays great attention to it, so he monitors all kinds of organic and physiological changes and developments that can be observed on the general appearance with his age during adolescence, as reflected in the reactions of others around him to these physical changes, and in This stage in particular begins the psychological conflict with the body



and it appears either with arrogance and transcendence if it is characterized by handsomeness and elegance, or with withdrawal, justification and defensive methods to compensate for the feeling of inferiority, and this conflict results in many positive or negative qualities and traits that appear in the responses of the individual with those around him

Problems resulting from feeling fear

The adolescent may suffer from many fears that make him an anxious and unstable individual, and these fears may be from parents at home and teachers at school, in addition to fear of academic failure and fear of failure, and the adolescent also shows resistance to fears resulting from economic problems. The religious vacuum, and the abnormal view of society and friends that appears with sarcasm, contempt and remorse over some mistakes that were committed such as cheating in exams or directing abuse to others, in addition to all negative feelings and feelings resulting from sexual desire

Repressed, and the continuous pursuit of complete independence and freedom, and all of this results in an imbalance in psychological and self-compatibility and thus the inability to achieve the desired level of balance, and thus the adolescent becomes an impulsive and emotional individual, or he may become a withdrawn, isolated and aggressive person, and the varying adolescent responses depend on the methods The right of Islamic upbringing and sound health

The problem of psychological incompatibility

The problem of psychological incompatibility is one of the most important and most dangerous problems that a teenager can be exposed to, making him confused and agitated, and resulting in many negative feelings; Such as crying and sadness, anxiety, continuous distress, lack of stability and security, and the intensity of exaggerated emotional responses

in addition to the instability and fluctuation of relationships with others, and all of the above results in the loss of a sense of his role in life, his feeling of emptiness, isolation and loneliness, lack of balance and emotional isolation, and lack Emotional, constant feeling that his life is threatened by diseases and wars, and all kinds of dangers with no one to protect him

The imbalance in psychological compatibility negatively and directly affects other forms of compatibility; such as social, educational, and organic harmony; What is required at this stage is to achieve a state of self, psychological, social, and emotional balance through proper social and family upbringing, and training in the processes of normalization and adaptation

External problems

The stage of adolescence varies from one individual to another according to cultural and civilizational differences and the geographical environment, in addition to the clear impact of values, religions and beliefs; A teenager in a rural society differs from an adolescent in a free society. These differences appear in the level of meeting different needs and the opportunities available to satisfy them

The adolescence stage is also affected by the previous experiences that the individual experienced in childhood, so adolescence is the result of a series of environmental, cultural and civilizational stimuli. The external environmental problems of the adolescent can be explained through the following

The relationship of the individual with the family

It usually appears with what is called the conflict of generations and the varying difference in viewpoints, and the adolescent’s struggle with the family is usually about studying and how to fill free time and waste time in what is not useful, and academic failure and failure to perform home and school duties, and this conflict intensifies when the desire The individual is completely independent from the family, and revolts against the authority of the parents

The individual’s relationship with society

The individual’s relationship with his society is supposed to be based on mutual understanding and giving, and openness to new social experiences and experiences and positive interaction with them. The interactive process between the individual and society results from the existence of a disturbance in the process of social adjustment of the individual, which leads him to isolation, withdrawal, introversion and the generation of negative feelings towards others

adolescence for girls

The concept of adolescence The adolescent stage mediates the age stages that an individual goes through; It is located between childhood and adulthood, during which many basic changes occur in all functions of the physical, social, psychological, and emotional developmental aspects of the adolescent that accompany puberty. Which makes him vulnerable to many disorders and situations that affect him and the composition of his personality in the future

In addition to the above, the changes that adolescents are exposed to generate many needs that they wish to achieve, and thus face many of the controls and limits imposed by society and the consequent conflict on them. He needs constant guidance and guidance without compromising his being and his independence. Adolescence usually extends from the end of the late childhood stage, i.e. from the age of thirteen to eighteen, and may extend to the age of twenty-one

The difference between puberty and adolescence

The difference between puberty and adolescence appears in that adolescence is a series of changes that occur gradually in the physical, psychological, mental and social aspects that eventually lead to maturity. As for puberty, it is the completion of physiological and biological development, that is, the maturity of sexual functions; Where the reproductive organs begin to secrete sex hormones, the male or female adolescent’s body becomes able to reproduce; In other words, puberty is only a feature of adolescence, but it is the first and most prominent sign of adolescence


The stage of adolescence in girls

females are exposed to many physical changes, which greatly affect the psychological state of the adolescent girl, and changes occur in all areas and developmental manifestations of the female, and the physical changes of females outweigh the changes of the male body, and among these changes are the following

Physical changes

Physical growth is one of the most important signs that distinguish the adolescence stage from other female age stages; It is characterized by its developmental speed and the appearance of its signs in a different way, as the pituitary gland in the brain begins to activate the work of the sex glands to begin the stage of integration of femininity in the girl, and the genitals begin to perform their work by secreting hormones

and the state of menstruation appears for the first time as the first sign of the full growth of the reproductive system, and the start of work The ovaries in the womb, in addition to the rapid organic growth of an increase in weight, height, and the emergence of breasts, with the appearance of hair in some parts of the body

The girl’s growth continues rapidly at first, and its speed gradually decreases between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one, and due to hormonal activity, some youthful pills and pimples may appear on the girl’s face, and her physical body varies, which leads her to intense interest in her body and sensitivity to any criticism or comparison that she is exposed to

and appears Her needs to adapt to these changes, and consequently, the necessity of obtaining sleep, rest and proper nutrition, and the proper response of the parents to all these changes affects positively or negatively on the attitudes of the girl, her self-concept and her social behaviors

Emotional changes

The emotions at this stage are characterized as impulsive and unbalanced, and may be exaggerated and not commensurate with the stimulus causing them. And courage, or religiosity and extremism, or enthusiasm and indifference, as the adolescent tends to form his emotionally independent personality away from the psychological influences of parents and parents, in addition to being closed around himself, introversion, feeling ashamed and fluctuating emotions towards physical changes and how to adapt to them, and all this is accompanied by the feeling of the adolescent

He is guilty of guilt and sin towards the new ideas that occur in his thinking, and some hesitation and low self-confidence may appear on him, and his ability to use his imagination as a means of psychological relief in living what he desires to achieve even if it is impossible, and compensating for his deficiency that he feels towards himself and solving his problems and obstacles he faces

In addition to all of the above, the adolescent girl lives an emotional life filled with giving, sacrifice, drawing attention, and excessive sensitivity to some stimuli, and the girl must be dealt with in a balanced and sympathetic manner, and the emotions issued in an understanding and balanced manner should be contained, because of the great impact on the composition of the final image of the personality. At the end of this stage

Social changes

The social changes of the adolescent are related to the normal social upbringing in his previous life stages. As he acquires social behavior through his interaction with his society as his circle of acquaintances expands, he is exposed to many social situations that he must respond to in an appropriate manner. Sometimes she imitates those around her in appearance or behavior or imitating her

For well-known personalities, it may also show their interest in the opposite sex, in addition to the growth of social values ​​and norms; Where she tends to do good, help others, share her friends’ emotions and show sympathy with them, and the girl at this stage tries to form her independent social relationship, get out of the family’s circle of acquaintances, and expand the sharing of ideas and experiences with her friends, who choose them according to common tendencies and interests

Mental changes

The growth and development of mental abilities appears remarkably in this period, and the individual differences between adolescents in special abilities according to the skill and intelligence that distinguish the individual from others, parents and teachers must note these differences in order to create appropriate opportunities to raise the efficiency of each individual according to the field

As for mental functions, it is his ability to remember at its height, and he can use his abstract imagination based on words only, in addition to the growth and development of higher-order thinking skills such as analysis and installation, and increases his awareness of the abstract concept of time and future and planning for it

And his ability to pay attention increases compared to his previous age stages, so his attention is better by the length of the attention period or the difficulty of the subject that arouses his attention, and the adolescent can classify himself and compare it with those around him in his community, so he discovers his distinction in one field and the modesty of his abilities in another