3- How to become a professional soccer player


3- How to become a professional soccer player

The basics of professional football

Many people want to become professional in football, but this can only be achieved by the availability of a set of basics, including: having sufficient skill, speed in performance, high intelligence, and an inimitable mentality, in addition to the ability to master all areas of the game, and work hard to erase Weaknesses, focusing on strengths and striving to develop them, all this and more can be found in modern football players

They have advanced abilities, high levels of intelligence, excellent physical fitness, and great technical skills, which make them the best football players, and the successful player constantly seeks to develop his abilities, refine his talent, and achieve the highest levels of skill and ability to play within the spirit of a team

The most important skills for football professionalism Football professionalism requires the presence of four basic skills in the player, and the presence of these skills together greatly contributes to making a successful professional player, and the following shows these skills:[1] Technical level, physical and physical readiness (in English) Physical: Having a Tactical Sense

The most prominent techniques in a successful football player are the skill of kicking and shooting the ball towards the opponent’s goal, passing the ball to the other players in the team, in addition to the ability to control it, seizing the ball from the opponent’s players, and the skill of the opponent’s dribbling speed, which is of great importance in Changing the outcome of the match, and these skills can only be available in the player with hard work, perseverance, continuous training, striving to develop abilities, and making an effort to hone the acquired skills

become a professional soccer player
soccer player

Physical strength A successful football player possesses distinct physical abilities that enable him to confront the opponent and win for his team, and perhaps the most important of these skills is speed in running, which enables the player to chase the opponent, unilaterally attack, and break the ball, and one of the physical skills that must also be provided in a football player The foot is the agility that is represented by fitness, agility, the ability to effectively change the direction of the body, balance, quick response, starting and stopping speed. power belt

The stamina of a professional soccer player must also be present; Which is represented by the presence of high activity in the player throughout the match, which is not easy; The player runs, kicks, jumps, and puts pressure on the opponent, and this skill can be accessed through intense exercises, which are of two types: continuous training without rest periods, and intermittent training separated by rest periods, and aerobic exercises in which the muscles are moved for a period of time can be used. relatively long

Tactical skills

For offensive tactics

the football game includes a number of basic offensive strategies that enable the team or help it to win the match, and these methods are used by most of the coaches of this game, and therefore must be known and learned by the players

The Give-and-Go strategy

This strategy is based on the presence of an attacking player in the back of the opponent’s defense, and this player remains ready to receive the ball from his teammate, and after the ball reaches him, he returns it to his colleague who ran a breach The opponent’s defense away from oversight, and this strategy requires the presence of regular sequential movements, and contributes to the ease of penetrating the opponent’s defense by the presence of the defender with the player who owns the ball, and the other player hides from the defense’s control, thus alone with the ball or perhaps scoring a goal, and achieving good results for the team

Diagonal Runs

This strategy is represented by the player running diagonally and asking for the ball from his teammate, who chooses the good place to put the ball, and if the run is available straight (with the middle of the field and the bottom of the side line open), it is okay to ask for the ball from his teammate and running towards the opponent’s goal, and this contributes to overcoming and penetrating the opponent’s defense, as there are some gaps between the defenders that support the success of this strategy unless the defense is well trained to confront this strategy

Quick Switches Strategy

This strategy is to change the direction of play completely, so that the player passes the ball to his teammate on the other side of the field, away from the control of the opponent’s defenders, and this strategy requires the presence of a central midfielder who has good skills in Passing, and he can receive the ball from the wing players or the lateral center line, and in turn direct the ball towards the other side of the court, and with sufficient accuracy and speed in that, the process will create an offensive risk that may lead to goals being scored

Overlapping Runs

This strategy is considered one of the best methods of playing without a ball; It is represented in the presence of the right or left back, and his participation in the offensive process with his team’s striker by attracting the observation of the opponent’s defender, thus providing sufficient space in front of the attacker, and a greater opportunity to penetrate the opponent’s defense

Counter Attacks Strategy

: This strategy is represented in the team’s rapid transformation from the defensive to the offensive, where the ball is passed from the defenders to the midfielders and from there to the attackers, provided that this is done smoothly, accurately in passing, and speed in performance Perhaps the most common type of counter-attack is giving the ball to the midfielder, who in turn passes it to his colleague, who runs quickly on the edge of the field, and this wonderful strategy represents a basic playing style for some football coaches, and other coaches use it in certain cases and circumstances

Long Ball Tactics

This strategy is represented by the long pass of the ball, provided that the player has the ability to pass the ball to his fellow players who are running towards the opponent’s goal and are stationed away from the defenders, and this strategy provides more spaces in front of the player to score goals, which is considered One of the appropriate strategies for teams that have players in their ranks with good potential in long high passes, the ability to see the field at a greater angle, and giving the player the ball in the right place and time, so that it gives him the freedom to provide more space in front of him

Defensive tactics

The successful football team has a strong and coherent defensive line, and possesses a set of defensive principles that enable it to protect the goal from the opponent’s attacks, and the following is a mention of the most important of these principles

The principle of delay

: This principle is represented by the defensive player pressing the opponent’s attacker, restricting his movement, preventing him from dribbling, passing to his attacking teammate, or even directing a shot towards the goal

Principle of Defensive Coverage

This principle is represented by the defensive player observing the attacking player, preventing the balls from reaching him, isolating him from the rest of the players, and thus preventing him from reaching the goal

soccer player
soccer player

The principle of balance

: This principle is represented by the presence of balance and understanding between the defensive line players, thus achieving greater interdependence among them, and fortifying the goal from any external attacks, and this principle is achieved by ensuring the numerical equality of the defensive line players in front of the goal, and modifying The defensive mode based on the movements of the opposing team, covering the spaces in front of the attacking players and predicting their movements towards the goal and making the task of reaching it more difficult

, in addition to the ability to control the speed of play and forcing the opponent team to do so, and supporting the rest of the team members in the midfield and attack

The principle of concentration

: (English: Principle of Concentration) This principle is based on the defensive line players understanding the intentions of the opponent’s offensive players, thus strengthening the defensive fortification, reducing the space available to the attackers, and contributing to recovering the ball from the opposing team

. Principle of Defensive Unity

: This principle is based on the defensive line players’ understanding of the team’s game plan, and their awareness of the importance of adhering to the movements, positions, and observation set in the game plan, in addition to awareness of the movements of the rest of the players in the same team

Mental toughness

Mental toughness is one of the basic ingredients for the success of a football player, and it is represented by the presence of specific competencies in the players, which are as follows: About the impact of feelings and feelings, all of this and others contribute greatly to the player’s confrontation with the effects of errors and injuries that he may suffer while playing the ball


: This competence is represented in the ability to form an actual picture based on accurate observations away from imagination and unrealism, and this helps to keep the game within the required level of competition, and prevents the development of unrealistic expectations

Intrinsic motivation

: This competence is represented by following the goal away from the desire for fame or social popularity; The successful player is motivated by love to play, and therefore does not have any disappointment or fatigue because of playing

Empathy competency

: This competency is represented by the soccer player’s instinctive ability to help and support others away from personal interests, and this helps give the team a spirit of unity and cohesion, and thus achieve positive results. Social Communication: This competency is represented in the effectiveness of communicating with others, achieving competitive values, and thus creating a unified and interconnected football team, capable of developing distinctive playing methods

Professional Football as a Profession

Football is like all other professions. It is a profession for many people, and a person can practice this sport and become professional in it until it becomes his primary profession, and this requires a high level of physical fitness, demonstrating the ability for quick intuition and sharpness of thinking, in addition to achieving the necessary interest in football since childhood

This was demonstrated by many professional football players by their interest in this sport and by participating in local teams and clubs in conjunction with their school years; In the beginning, the player joins a low-level football team, and with the development of skills, and the growth of his experience, he climbs his way to a team of a higher level, and continues to do so until he reaches the goal and ambition

A professional player gets a financial income in return for playing in a sports team, and the wage or salary is determined according to the place of work, and the level of skill of the player; Although it is difficult to determine the average income of a football player, it can be estimated at about $25,000-35,000 per year for a player who plays on a low-ranking team, and for some players on professional teams it may reach $100,000 during the year, and these salaries may increase or Less than that in many cases