3- The relationship of the thyroid gland and coarse hair


3- The relationship of the thyroid gland and coarse hair

The thyroid gland affects the hair and causes many problems that are difficult to overcome, as the change in the body’s hormones, which results from the infection of the thyroid gland, leads to an increase in coarseness and dryness of hair, which bothers many girls and women, and not only that, but also causes the thyroid gland Hair loss problem that occurs early for many girls

Thyroid problems for hair
The thyroid gland causes hair to suffer from many diseases and serious problems that need relatively long periods of time to be eliminated, and natural recipes can easily be used to get rid of coarse hair, as the thyroid gland affects fine hair in a negative way and among the negative effects of the thyroid gland on Poetry

hair loss problem
Infection with the thyroid gland leads to increased hair loss or the incidence of this serious problem, as the lack of regulation of the body’s hormones affects hair loss, which is difficult to overcome at times

All body hormones, especially those related to the thyroid gland, are unable to nourish the hair follicles, and this ultimately leads to increased hair loss to the extent that many medications and medical treatments are required

Many doctors have confirmed that hair loss is not only caused by an infection of the thyroid gland, but also caused by taking medications designed to eliminate it

The problem of alopecia areata
Infection with the thyroid gland affects many changes in the body’s systems in general and in the hair in particular, which leads to the problem of alopecia areata, which requires great medical care

Alopecia areata often appears as a result of some serious problems in the immune system, as it appears in the form of many completely empty spots in different and scattered parts of the hair

thyroid gland and coarse hair
thyroid gland and coarse hair

Causes of hair loss and its types

These spots are not only in the hair, but also appear in many parts of the body and even in the eyebrows area, so it is necessary to consult the attending physician as soon as possible

The relationship of the thyroid gland to coarse hair
Hypothyroidism leads to a lot of negative effects that lead to a change in the hair condition from fine hair to coarse curly hair

Thyroid disease appears in the form of an imbalance in the body’s hormones, especially those that reach the hair follicles or to the scalp, and then not feeding these follicles with the nutrients or materials they need

The thyroid gland increases hair dryness, and this results because the scalp or even the different hair follicles do not retain adequate moisture that protects it from the various drying factors that cause this roughness

The problem of hair frizz, which is difficult to control in many times, results from the emergence of the problem of roughness, and this problem of frizz leads to its loss and then the infection of some other serious diseases

Many doctors advise the need to treat the problem of the thyroid gland and then regulate the various hormones in the body, especially those that reach the hair so that it can be preserved from the problem of roughness and brittleness

Ways to treat coarse hair caused by thyroid infection

Ways to treat coarse hair caused by thyroid infection
There are a number of simple methods that must be followed all in order to preserve the hair and protect it from the roughness that sometimes appears and affects it in a negative way, and among these methods

In the beginning, it is necessary to replace the follicles of coarse hair, as well as the scalp, with a number of natural oils in order to be moisturized and then protect it from this problem
Heating a number of natural oils from jojoba oil, olive oil, and coconut oil and placing them on the hair for an appropriate period of time will supply the hair with many of the elements that it lacks due to thyroid infection

It is necessary to stay away from chemical drugs that affect the hair and its softness, and therefore it is necessary to consult the attending physician about these drugs intended to treat the thyroid gland, but they affect the hair negatively

Tips to reduce frizz associated with the thyroid gland

Many specialist doctors in many countries of the world advise the need to take medications or nutritional supplements that help get rid of the thyroid gland and thus increase the smoothness of hair

It is necessary to take these nutritional supplements in a specific and specific dose according to the advice of the attending physician in order to regulate all the hormones of the body and thus protect the hair from the problem of roughness or dryness

It is important to rely on a proper and healthy diet, as many scientific and medical studies have proven that eating healthy foods helps in controlling all hormones in the body, which is directly related to thyroid symptoms
It is necessary to stay away from fast food diets, as they contain a lot of harmful bacteria and toxins that affect the various organs and organs of the body, especially the thyroid gland, and this ultimately leads to many negative effects on the hair
An appropriate and sufficient amount of collagen must be consumed, and this is done by taking some medications that help regulate body hormones and preserve hair from the problem of roughness and breakage

It is important to completely stay away from stress, insomnia and stress that affects the thyroid gland and then causes the problem of coarseness of hair and even increased hair loss

Thyroid and coarse hair

Have you ever thought about the relationship between the thyroid gland and coarse hair? Is it possible that diseases affecting the thyroid gland affect the health of hair? Find out in the following article

Thyroid and coarse hair
Learn in this article about the relationship between the thyroid gland and coarse hair and everything related to this topic, in addition to the signs that require a doctor’s consultation

Thyroid and coarse hair: what’s the relationship
Did you know that hypothyroidism is associated with many different symptoms, including those affecting the hair? As it is possible for hypothyroidism to cause dryness and coarseness of hair in addition to the high chances of hair loss

This is because the imbalance of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland would have negative effects on hair health, because these hormones are important for the growth and nourishment of hair follicles, and therefore hypothyroidism would cause hair loss in both the scalp, eyebrows and the rest of the body as well

As for the thyroid gland and coarse hair, it is not a myth, as hypothyroidism will cause dry skin, including the scalp, which may also result in dry and brittle hair

But it is important to know that once hypothyroidism is treated, the hair returns to its normal health and condition before the injury

On the other hand, having an overactive thyroid gland may cause hair to become thinner and smoother

Other hair problems related to the thyroid gland
After you know the relationship between the thyroid gland and coarse hair, you should know that thyroid problems cause other hair problems, as follows

thyroid gland and coarse hair
thyroid gland and coarse hair

Hair loss
Thyroid problems come with a number of different symptoms, including hair loss, but they are usually treatable

The reason behind this is due to the role of thyroid hormones in nourishing the hair follicles and scalp, thus affecting their levels would weaken these follicles, which could lead to hair loss

It should be noted that sometimes taking medications specialized in treating thyroid problems can cause hair loss

Alopecia areata
Some health problems that affect the thyroid gland may cause alopecia areata as well, as most people with thyroid problems, whether hyperactive or underactive, suffer from autoimmune thyroid disease, which increases the risk of other immune diseases as well compared to others. Including alopecia disease

Alopecia leads to empty patches of hair, which can cause baldness. This injury can affect the hair that resides in different places on the body, such as the eyebrows

?When should you consult a doctor
As you have seen, there is a relationship between the thyroid gland and coarseness of hair, and problems affecting the thyroid gland affect hair health in general, but when should you consult a doctor and seek medical help

It is important to consult a doctor if you develop the following symptoms

You have experienced unexplained and intentional weight loss
You have a rapid heartbeat
I experienced unprecedented excessive sweating
You notice puffiness and swelling in the neck area
You notice a change in the health of your skin, hair and nails
I feel depressed or anxious

I noticed a feeling of constant tiredness, unusually
I felt cold or hot and uncomfortable
I had irregular periods without being pregnant