4 Benefits and Uses of Castor Oil


4 Benefits and Uses of Castor Oil

Castor oil is a multipurpose vegetable oil that people have used for thousands of years. It’s made by extracting oil from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant

These seeds, which are known as castor beans, contain a toxic enzyme called ricin. However, the heating process that castor oil undergoes during production deactivates the ricin, allowing the oil to be used safely

Castor oil has a number of medicinal, industrial, and pharmaceutical uses

It’s commonly used as an additive in foods, medications, and skin care products, as well as an industrial lubricant and biodiesel fuel component

In ancient Egypt, people burned castor oil as fuel in lamps, used it as a natural remedy to treat ailments like eye irritation, and even took it to stimulate labor in pregnancy

Today castor oil remains a popular natural treatment for common conditions, such as constipation and skin ailments, and you can often find it in natural beauty products

Here are 4 potential benefits and uses of castor oil. We also cover its use as a hair treatment and precautions to consider

. A powerful laxative

Perhaps one of the best-known medicinal uses for castor oil is as a natural laxative

It’s classified as a stimulative laxative, meaning that it increases the movement of the muscles that push material through the intestines, helping clear the bowels. Castor oil is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a stimulative laxative

Stimulative laxatives act rapidly and are commonly used to relieve temporary constipation or to clean out the bowel before medical procedures

Here’s generally how it works: When you consume castor oil by mouth, it’s broken down in the small intestine, releasing ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid in castor oil. The ricinoleic acid is then absorbed by the intestine, stimulating a strong laxative effect

Several studies have shown that castor oil can relieve constipation

For example, a 2011 study found that when older adults took castor oil, they experienced decreased symptoms of constipation, including less straining during bowel movements and lower reported feelings of incomplete bowel movements

What’s more, another study demonstrated that castor oil was effective at cleansing people’s bowels before they underwent a noninvasive type of colonoscopy called a colon capsule endoscop

While castor oil is considered safe in small doses, larger amounts can cause abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

Although it can be used to relieve occasional constipation, castor oil is not recommended as a treatment for long-term health concerns

Also, make sure to speak with a healthcare professional to get their recommendation before using castor oil to treat constipation. Misusing castor oil can lead to dangerous side effects, like electrolyte and acid-

base imbalances, which could be life threatening

People use castor oil as a natural remedy for occasional constipation. It’s approved by the FDA as a stimulative laxative. However, it can cause side effects, like cramping and diarrhea, and you should not use it to treat chronic constipatio

2. A natural moisturizer

Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. These types of fats can be used to moisturize the skin. They act as humectants, which retain moisture by preventing water loss through the outer layer of the skin

Castor oil is used in cosmetics to promote hydration. Manufacturers often add it to products like lotions, makeup, and cleansers

You can also use this rich oil on its own as a natural alternative to store-bought moisturizers and lotions

Many popular moisturizing products found in stores contain potentially harmful ingredients like preservatives, perfumes, and dyes, which may irritate the skin and harm overall health

Swapping out these products for castor oil can help reduce your exposure to these additives. Plus, castor oil is inexpensive and you can use it on both your face and body

Castor oil is thick, so people often mix it with other skin-friendly oils — like almond, olive, and coconut oil — to make an ultra-hydrating moisturizer. Though applying castor oil to the skin is considered safe for most, it can cause an allergic reaction in some people

Also, using pure castor oil may irritate some people’s skin, so it’s best to dilute it with another oil, like jojoba or coconut oil. Try testing the combination on a small area of skin to see how your skin tolerates castor oil before applying it on larger areas

Castor oil can help lock moisture in the skin. Though this natural alternative to store-bought products is considered safe for most, it can cause allergic reactions or irritation in some peopl

3. May promote wound healing

Applying castor oil to wounds creates a moist environment that may help promote healing and prevent sores from drying out

Venelex, a popular ointment used in clinical settings to treat wounds, contains a mixture of castor oil and Peru balsam, a balm derived from the Myroxylon balsamum tree

Venelex is used as a wound dressing for chronic and acute wounds and skin ulcers, including.

pressure ulcers

diabetic ulcers


surgical wounds

It helps reduce odors, protect wounds, and create a moist environment to promote healing

Additionally, ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid found in castor oil, has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties. It may help reduce skin inflammation, support healing, and aid in pain reduction in people with wounds

Studies have found that ointments containing castor oil may be effective for treating a number of different wounds

In a 2013 case study, treatment with a spray containing a combination of balsam of Peru, castor oil, and an enzyme called trypsin helped heal an abdominal surgical wound in an 81-year-old man who was unable to tolerate other forms of topical therapy

Keep in mind that castor oil topical wound treatments contain a combination of ingredients, not just castor oil. You should not apply castor oil to any wound without checking with a healthcare professional first


Some people apply castor oil to wounds to promote healing. Often it’s mixed with other medicinal ingredients, like Peru balsam, for this purpose

4. May be helpful for cleaning and storing dentures

A number of bacteria and fungi, including Candida fungi, commonly grow on dentures. This can create oral concerns if dentures aren’t properly cleaned and stored

Candida species, like C. albicans, are especially problematic for people who wear dentures because they easily adhere to denture surfaces and mouth tissues

An overgrowth of Candida fungi can lead to a condition called denture stomatitis, an infection that leads to inflammation, redness, and irritation in the mouth

Interestingly, cleaning dentures with castor oil may help reduce the risk of developing denture stomatitis because castor oil can help kill bacteria and fungi

One study found that soaking contaminated acrylic teeth in a solution containing 10% castor oil for 20 minutes helped reduce the number of C. albicans as well as other harmful bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans and Staphylococcus aureus

What’s more, a 2013 study in 30 older people with denture-related stomatitis showed that treatment with a castor oil-containing mouthwash led to improvements in the clinical signs of stomatitis, including inflammation

Additionally, another study found that brushing with and soaking dentures in a solution containing castor oil led to significant reductions in Candida in older people who wore dentures


Several studies have shown that castor oil may help reduce harmful bacteria and fungi in dentures and may help improve symptoms related to a condition called denture stomatitis, which can cause inflammation in the mouth

Can castor oil support hair growth and scalp health

Many people use castor oil as a natural hair treatment. This is because castor oil has moisturizing properties, which could help lubricate the hair shaft, increasing flexibility and decreasing the chance of breakage

Even though some people regularly use castor oil as part of their hair care routine, there’s currently no scientific evidence that castor oil helps promote hair health, stimulates hair growth, or reduces hair loss

The same goes for using castor oil on your eyelashes. Some people use castor oil for eyelash growth, but no scientific research has shown this is actually effective

Castor oil is also commonly used as a treatment for dandruff, a common scalp condition characterized by dry, flaky skin on the head. While some effective hair treatments for dandruff do contain castor oil as an ingredient, there’s no evidence that castor oil on its own is effective for treating dandruff

In fact, castor oil could lead to a condition called acute hair felting in people with long hair. This condition causes the hair to become twisted and tangled, resembling a hard bird’s nes

One case study reported that after a 20-year-old woman with long hair used a combination of coconut oil and castor oil on her hair, it became severely matted immediately after washing. The study authors suggested that the thickness of the castor oil combined with the women’s very long hair led to sudden felting

Typically, acute hair felting can’t be treated and the hair must be cut off

Even though this condition is rare, people with long hair should be cautious when using castor oil as a hair treatment


Although many people use castor oil to moisturize their hair and scalp, there’s currently no evidence that castor oil has any benefits for hair health

Castor oil precautions

Many people use castor oil to treat a variety of concerns, either by ingesting the oil or applying it to the skin

Although castor oil is generally considered safe, it can cause adverse reactions and unwanted side effects in some people

If you’re interested in using castor oil, it’s important to keep the following potential side effects in mind

Labor. Medical professionals sometimes use castor oil to induce labor in pregnant people. For this reason, people at all stages of pregnancy should avoid consuming castor oil

Gastrointestinal (GI) side effects. While it can be an effective way to alleviate constipation, castor oil may cause GI side effects, like diarrhea, vomiting, cramping, and bloating. It may also cause dizziness. Only use it for constipation under medical supervision

Allergic reactions. It may cause an allergic reaction in some people when applied to the skin. First try applying a small amount to a tiny patch of skin to see how your body reacts

Additionally, people with certain health conditions — including appendicitis, gastrointestinal obstruction, bowel perforation, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — should avoid stimulative laxatives like castor oil because they could cause serious side effects

In general, you should not consume castor oil to treat any medical condition or symptoms, especially in high doses, unless advised by a physician. Misuse of any laxative, including castor oil, can be dangerous and lead to life threatening electrolyte and acid-base imbalances

If you’re interested in using castor oil to treat any health condition, including constipation, be sure to get advice from a trusted healthcare professional first


Castor oil can cause side effects, such as allergic reactions and diarrhea, in some people. It can also induce labor, so pregnant people should avoid it

The bottom line

People have used castor oil for thousands of years as a natural treatment for a variety of health issues

It can help relieve constipation and may even be used as a natural skin moisturizer and denture treatment

Though many people use castor oil as a treatment for dry or thinning hair, there’s no evidence that castor oil is effective for improving hair health or stimulating hair growth when used on its ow

If you’re interested in using castor oil for constipation or any other health condition, talk with your healthcare professional first to determine whether castor oil is safe and appropriate to use for your specific health needs

Just one thing

Try this today: If you experience frequent constipation, there are a few treatments that may help

Making dietary and lifestyle changes, such as increasing fluid intake, eating more fiber-rich foods, and being more active, can often help improve constipation

However, it’s important to visit a healthcare professional if you’re experiencing frequent or chronic constipation that doesn’t seem to improve. It can be a sign of an underlying medical condition and can become dangerous if it goes untreated

Can I Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth

Castor oil for longer locks

Some people use castor oil to grow longer hair or to treat hair loss, also known as alopecia. It’s marketed as a treatment for dry scalp and other scalp conditions as well

While the average human hair follicle grows just over a centimeter a month, some claim anecdotally that using castor oil once a month can spur growth three to five times the normal rate. There is no clinical evidence to support this, howeve

If you still want to try castor oil on your hair, here’s a safe, easy at-home method. You’ll need the following supplies

castor oil

an old T-shirt

rubber gloves

applicator brush


shower cap

large towel

Step by step

Put on the old T-shirt to prevent staining your clothes

Section off your hair

Put on the rubber gloves and begin applying the castor oil to your scalp using the applicator brush. Massage the oil into your scalp

Apply castor oil to the rest of your hair, using the comb to ensure even coverage. It doesn’t need to be soaked through with oil, but all of your hair should be moist

Once applied, put the shower cap on, ensuring all hair is tucked inside

Clean up any oil drippings with the towel

Leave the shower cap on for at least two hours. This gives the oil enough time to penetrate the scalp, hair follicles, and hair shaft

After two hours, wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner

Does this really work

The evidence for castor oil’s effectiveness as more than a laxative is only anecdotal. There are many claims about castor oil, including those that topical castor oil can help prevent or treat skin cancer. However, there’s no evidence to support its use

You could use castor oil for hair loss, but you’d be better off talking to your healthcare provider about therapies that are proven to get results. They might not recommend castor oil for much more than treatment for occasional constipation

5 Castor Oil Benefits For Skin And Hair Which Will Convince You To Switch Today 

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant. It is pale yellow in colour and is profuse with antioxidants

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant. It is pale yellow in colour and is profuse with antioxidants. Skin experts across the globe often recommend the oil for a variety of your hair and beauty issues. Several studies have also mentioned its healing effects on skin conditions like Atopic Dermatitis a dry skin disease caused due to increasing pollution and climate change, Psoriasis, an autoimmune skin disease which causes lesions and skin irritation

and eczema. The nourishing and healing effects of castor oil may help you give a glowing and youthful skin and beautiful hair. Here are some benefits you may not have known. Your diet also plays a huge role in your overall skin health. Eating out a lot, or at irregular time intervals, not staying hydrated are some bad habits that can take a toll on your skin. Level up your natural skincare regime with a special glowing skin diet

1. Clears Acne

Applying castor oil on your skin will help restore the skin’s natural moisture balance, say experts. So don’t refrain from applying castor oil on your skin to treat acne. Apply castor oil gently on your face and massage in circular motions, leave it overnight and wash off in the morning

2.  For Healthy, Shiny Hair

Struggling with dry and dull locks? Try castor oil. According to Dermatologist Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, castor oil is the best oil to enrich your scalp. It contains ricinoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids and therefore when massaged onto the scalp it helps in increasing the blood circulation which improves hair growth

3. Prevents Hair Fall

Hair fall is one of the common problems faced by a plenty across the globe. Massaging your scalp with castor oil helps make the roots stronger and prevent hair fall. It has the ability to trigger and stimulate hair growth from dormant follicles.One can apply castor oil once a week mixed with methi or fenugreek seed powder and use it as a hair mask along with steam for best results.

4.  For Dry Skin

Dry and lifeless skin could be effectively treated by castor oil if given a chance. Castor oil has exfoliating properties which can be used to remedy scaly underfoot, dry palms, and dry skin. Experts say that castor oil is also beneficial for those suffering with a skin ailment called Atopic Dermatitis, a dry skin disease which takes a toll on your skin due to climate change and increase in pollution

5. Treats Wrinkles

Castor oil could prove to be the one of the best remedies to treat wrinkles. It boosts production of collagen which tightens the skin.By rejuvenating the skin, it softens and smoothens the skin and makes it look younger. For best results, apply a small amount of castor oil over the wrinkled area and leave it overnight

It is said applying castor oil on eyebrows could help boost the hair growth and make your thin eyebrows a little more plump. Use the wonder oil for your beauty care treatment and let us know how it worked for you

Can We Use Castor Oil For Intercourse

Can you use castor oil for intercourse? The simplest answer is YES!. Castor oil’s natural properties have made it an excellent alternative for couples or partners to use for lubrication during sexual intercourse in the absence of the usual artificial water-based lubricants. In fact, some people have come to prefer using castor oil for intercourse to other lubricants mainly due to its soothing nature, safety, health benefits, and availability

Asides from using castor oil as a lube, there are other benefits of using castor oil for intercourse which I will be sharing with your later in this article. I will also answer some of your burning questions concerning the use of castor oil for sex. Keep reading…Table Of Content

Things You Need To Know About Castor Oil

Castor oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, possesses antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal characteristics, making it a useful cure for some mild infections

For thousands of years, castor oil has been used as a powerful natural cure for a variety of health issues. It has been shown to help with constipation alleviation and moisturization of dry skin, among other things. Some couples have also found joy in using castor oil for intercourse. If you’re searching for a low-cost, multi-purpose oil to keep in your medicine cabinet, castor oil is a wonderful choice

Castor oil has also been shown to have numerous benefits for hair, skin, and even overall health. Castor oil is utilized as a laxative as well. It’s a common ingredient in a variety of soaps, cosmetics, massage oils, and even pharmaceuticals

Ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, is abundant in castor oil. These fats are humectants and can be utilized to keep the skin moisturized. Humectants are hydrating chemicals found in lotions and cleansers that work like a magnet to attract water molecules to the skin. Humectants are hygroscopic compounds that establish hydrogen bonds with water molecules chemically. By taking water from the lower cell layers, this bonding serves to keep the skin moisturized

Castor oil is also cheap and may be used on the face, vagina, rectum, penis as well as entire body. Due to its thick consistency, castor oil is frequently combined with other skin-friendly oils such as almond, olive, and coconut oil to create an ultra-hydrating moisturizer

Although castor oil is generally regarded as safe for use on the skin, it might trigger allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, first, try applying a tiny amount to a small patch of your skin to see how your body reacts

Benefits Of Using Castor Oil For Sexual Intercourse

Enhances Lubrication

Castor oil contains monounsaturated fatty acid with good viscosity which makes it an excellent oil for lubrication. For many years now, couples or sex partners have been using castor oil for penis, vagina, or anal lubrication to enjoy better sexual intercourse. So far, the result has been satisfying for them without any harm

Improves Blood Circulation

Castor oil improves blood circulation in the body which in turn ensures good sexual intercourse. Healthy erections and healthy sex life, in general, are all about adequate blood circulation. While blood readily flows into the erectile tissues of your penis, you will find it much easier to get an erection when sexually aroused, assuming no other health issues exist.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchase

Castor oil’s role in eliminating toxins from the body and boosting blood circulation guarantees that the sex organ functions properly

Hormonal Balance and Libido

Castor oil improves fat molecule absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. These fat molecules are crucial in the production of hormones in the human body

Sexual desire and arousal are influenced by hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Higher estrogen levels in the body encourage vaginal lubrication and improve sexual desire. Increases in progesterone levels have been linked to a decrease in sexual desire in women. The impact of testosterone levels on female sex drive is still a controversial topic

Recommended: Better Sex Life And Top 10 Ways You Can Enjoy ItHormonal imbalance is a common cause of libido loss in both men and women. Low libido is most common between the ages of 40 and 55, especially during perimenopause, menopause, and andropause. However, hormone-related sex desire reduction can occur at any age

Reduction Of Inflammation

According to a study, inflammation can disrupt estrogen and progesterone synthesis and action, lowering their stimulatory influence on female sexual desire and arousal. Castor oil is also helpful in preventing and reducing the vaginal or penile inflammation, redness, and swelling caused by sexual intercourse

Ricinoleic acid is found in castor oil, which is derived from castor beans. It is the most significant fatty acid in castor oil. It attaches to the smooth muscle cell receptors in the intestinal walls. This aids in muscle contractions, which helps in relaxing and constriction of the vaginal and anal muscles during sexual intercourse as well as aids in the pushing out of feces. Castor oil is also used to induce labor due to its ability to induce contractions in the uterus but this claim still has doubts

When a gel containing ricinoleic acid was applied to the skin, it resulted in a considerable reduction in pain and inflammation when compared to other treatment approaches, according to a study

Apart from its anti-inflammatory qualities, castor oil’s hydrating characteristics may help treat dry, itchy skin in people with psoriasis

Side Effects Of Using Castor Oil For Intercourse

Castor oil is deemed safe for most people to use on the skin. The topical application of castor oil affected the skin of some patients with dermatitis, according to the safety review. However, the effects on the skin ( itching, swelling, or rashes) are still being researched, so always consult your doctor before trying any new products if you have dermatitis or another skin condition. There was also some evidence that castor oil could irritate the eyes, according to the FDA

Castor oil must be used with caution as it is not as slippery as water-based lubes and therefore can damage sex toys and latex condoms if not properly used

Where Can You Buy Castor Oil

Castor oil has become a household item and is found in virtually all supermarkets all over the world today. You can also buy castor oil online from Amazon (Paid Link). Always go for 100% organic castor oil such as Handcraft Castor Oil, Sky Organics Castor Oil, Mary Tylor Naturals Castor Oil, and Pure Cold Pressed Castor Oil. Castor oil comes in two major types

Yellow Castor Oil: made by cold pressing fresh castor beans

Black Castor Oil: made by roasting the castor beans and then using heat to extract the oi

You can try both types and see the one you prefer most

Can You Use Castor Oil As a Personal Lubricant

Castor oil can be used as a personal lubricant to increase pleasure and comfort during intercourse. In fact, some people have been using it for years now. When used properly, castor oil is generally harmless. However, water-based lubricants remain the best option. So, castor oil is only a good alternative in the absence of water-based lubricant

The worst that can happen is skin irritation such as rashes, itching, or swelling. This is why I advised first testing the castor oil on a small patch of your skin to rule out any skin reaction. If you notice any reaction, discontinue the castor oil immediately

Can Castor Oil Be Used For Anal Sex

YES! castor oil can be used as lube during anal sex. However, water-based lubricants remain the best option. Castor oil is a good alternative in the absence of water-based lubricant. It must be used with caution as it is not as slippery as water-based lubes and therefore can damage sex toys and latex condoms if not properly used

Can Castor Oil Be Used As Lube

Yes, castor oil is a superb natural alternative to artificial lubrication since it is highly viscous. It provides excellent lubrication for increased pleasure, and it is also healthy for the skin. Therefore, it benefits sexual intercourse in two ways

Also, castor oil outperforms most vegetable oils in terms of low-temperature viscosity and high-temperature lubrication, making it ideal as lube for jet, diesel, and racing engines

Is Castor Oil Safe For Intercourse

So far, castor oil has been proving to be safe for intercourse. This is why the use of castor oil for intercourse has been on the increase for ages now. It is a natural lubricant and has little to no side effects compared to the usual artificial lubricants. Also, the use of castor oil for intercourse can benefit your sex life in other ways like increased libido, increased blood circulation, and prevention of inflammation (pain, swelling, or redness) during intercourse

Can You Use Castor Oil For Vaginal Lubrication

Castor oil can be used for vaginal lubrication. It is a natural lubricant and has little to no side effects compared to the usual artificial lubricants. However, few people have reported vaginal itching, rashes, or swelling after applying castor oil. So, before you use castor oil for the first time, make sure to test it on a small patch of your skin first to rule out any form of skin irritation. Also, the use of castor oil for vaginal lubrication can help boost libido, blood circulation, and help prevent inflammation (pain, swelling, or redness) in the vagina during intercourse


Couples or sex partners can use castor oil for intercourse in order to enjoy better sexual pleasure. Castor oil improves vaginal lubrication, blood circulation, and libido in men and women. It also plays a role in hormonal balancing and reduction of inflammation (pain, redness, or swelling) during sexual intercourse

Premenstrual syndrome, mood swings, depression, and exhaustion are all reduced when castor oil is used. Castor oil is a low-cost, multi-purpose oil anyone can use for intercourse in the absence of the usual artificial water-based lubricants. However, few people have reacted to this oil in the past, so it is ideal you test it on your skin first before using it